J&K moves one point up in ‘ease of doing business’ ranking

* Needs to take several reforms

Govind Sharma
JAMMU, Sept 5: The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir moved one point up and occupied 21st position in ‘ease of doing’ annual business ranking of States and Union Territories released by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Government of India.
The 4th edition of Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) ranking of States and Union Territories were announced today by Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Nirmala Sitharaman. Besides other Union Ministers, Chief Ministers of some States and LG of J&K Manoj Singh and Ladakh LG R K Mathur were also present on the occasion.
Ranking of States and Union Territories based on implementation of Business Reform Action Plan started in the year 2015. The Business Reform Action Plan 2018-19 includes 180 reform points covering 12 business regulatory areas such as Access to Information, Single Window System, Labour, Environment, etc.
In the ease of doing ranking of 2015, the J&K was at 29th place and since then there has been a substantial progress but the UT still lags behind in several areas. In 2017-18 business rankings, the J&K was at 22nd rank as out of 187 reforms, it implemented 149.
As these rankings are a reflection of the efforts made by States/Union Territories for ease of doing business, the J&K being at 21 spot apparently needs to do much more for ease of doing business. Pertinent to mention here that several small States/UTs including Assam, Telangana, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu are also above J&K in the ranking table. While Andhra Pradesh retained its top position in the ranking, Tripura was ranked at the bottom (i.e. 36 position).
As per the BRAP ranking 2018-19 released today, out of total 187 reform count, 137 were implemented by J&K and 38 were not implemented while 12 were not applicable to it. The UT failed to implement various provisions of Availability of Land, Land Administration and Transfer of Land and Property, Access to Information and Transparency, Inspection, Construction Permit, Labour Regulation, Commercial Dispute Resolution, Single Window System, Obtaining Electricity Connection, etc.
As per the details, the J&K also failed to take several reforms in Land Administration and Transfer of Land and Property including integrating mutation process with the registration process and allowing intimation of mutation as soon as the deed is registered, besides designing and implementing a system that allows online application and payment for submission and verification of document and mandating submission of all applications online.
The Government of J&K also failed to design and develop an online inspection system for scheduling of inspections as well as ensure selection of establishments for inspection using computerized risk assessment and allocation of inspectors under the Central Inspection System. The UT Government also failed on the issue of providing registration of the transaction deed to related parties on the same day of appointment.
J&K also could not introduce a provision for issuing Factory License and all subsequent renewals with validity of 10 years or more, eliminate the requirement of inspection process prior to registration under the Shops and Establishment Act and ensure that the registration under Shops and Establishment Act is granted within one day from the date of application.
In Commercial Dispute Resolution also, the J&K could not establish a specialized division/ bench under the High Court to hear commercial disputes, ensure filling up of 90% of the vacancies in specialized commercial courts and design & implement a system allowing e-filing for commercial disputes in commercial courts.