CS devises detailed mechanism for regular monitoring of key programmes, projects

All DCs asked to start sending monthly reports

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Sept 7: In a major development, Chief Secretary has devised a detailed mechanism for regular monitoring of key programmes and projects in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and has directed all the Deputy Commissioners to start sending monthly reports as per the formats especially developed for the purpose.
This first of its kind step would go a long way in timely identifying the gaps, bottlenecks and areas of concern and initiation of corrective measures for ensuring timely completion of projects and providing benefits of the flagship schemes to the targeted population.
A large number of schemes, programmes and projects are being implemented across the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Some of these are individual beneficiary and infrastructure oriented schemes while as others are area development projects. Moreover, some relate to the provision of different services by the Government.
As good governance requires continuous monitoring of progress, the Chief Secretary BVR Subrahmanyam, on the basis of inputs received during visit to several districts recently, felt the necessity of putting in place a detailed mechanism and accordingly the same was devised and now shared with all the Deputy Commissioners, official sources told EXCELSIOR.
Even formats devised specially for the purpose by the office of the Chief Secretary have been forwarded to all the Deputy Commissioners for submission of monitoring reports every month for the appraisal at the level of Chief Secretary, General Administration Department and Planning, Development and Monitoring Department and to ensure complete coverage of schemes and timely implementation of the projects.
“While travelling and reviewing the performance of the districts, it has been noticed that there is wide divergence in the manner in which monitoring is done at the district level”, the Chief Secretary has mentioned in an official communiqué sent to all the Deputy Commissioners, the copy of which is available with EXCELSIOR.
“Individual departments monitor projects and schemes through the departmental hierarchies and such monitoring is very detailed and meets a number of departmental requirements. On the other hand monitoring at my level or Deputy Commissioner’s level is required to focus on outcomes, identify gaps and indicate areas of concern which need to be probed further”, the communication reads further.
Stating that large number of key schemes, programmes and projects have been identified for monitoring at both the levels, the Chief Secretary has directed all the Deputy Commissioners to start the monitoring process immediately and send the first monitoring report by September 10, 2020.
This report will cover work done in August 2020 and the monitoring will continue in the subsequent months with reports to be sent on 5th of each month. The reports will be sent to Chief Secretary’s office, Commissioner Secretary, General Administration Department and Secretary, Planning, Development and Monitoring Department.
The Deputy Commissioners have been asked to submit information about the number of beneficiaries covered each month under Ayushman Bharat, a scheme aims to help economically vulnerable people in obtaining easy access to healthcare services; Aadhar seeding for pensions, scholarships, PM Kisan and MGNREGA.
Moreover, they will furnish information about the works completed under Back to Village (B2V); deficiencies of infrastructure in the border villages and steps taken to overcome the same; removal of encroachments on State, common and Kahcharai land and expunging of illegal entries from the revenue records; steps taken to ensure smooth supply of ration to the people; number of beneficiaries covered under Janani Suraksha Yojana and immunization programmes and hurdles, if any, in the execution of iconic and large projects and steps taken for removal of the bottlenecks and implementation of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).
Further, the Deputy Commissioners have been asked to furnish details about the progress achieved under Jal Jeevan Mission; distribution of Kissan Credit Cards; status of work on the languishing projects and performance in the payment of wages under MGNREGA.
Even information regarding functioning of the Panchayats will be furnished by the Deputy Commissioners and they will reflect the number of Panchayats which have not held Gram Sabhas in three months and which have not put in place detailed grievances redressal mechanism. Moreover, the DCs will apprise the Chief Secretary about the progress achieved in disbursement of pension under Social Security Schemes.
The DCs will also furnish reports about the performance of Public Works Department in providing road connectivity and that of Power Development Department in timely restoration of damaged transformers.
“Besides helping the Government in monitoring implementation of schemes and developmental projects the detailed mechanism will also go a long way in ensuring accountability of the field functionaries of all the departments”, sources said.