Entire admn of J&K UT again at people’s door-steps for a month from tomorrow

*Step aimed to improve service delivery, grievances redressal
Schemes implementation, development to get push

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, Sept 8: Entire administration of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir will again be at the door-steps of the people continuously for over one month with effect from September 10 to improve service delivery, redress grievances and to give mega push to the developmental activities.
Moreover, special camps will be held at district, sub-division, tehsil, block and Gram Panchayat level to ensure that people get benefits of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and to obtain their feed-back on progress made in resolving the issues which were brought to the notice of the administration earlier.
All this is being done under 21-days Jan Abhiyan/Awami Muhim beginning from September 10 and Third Phase of Back to Village Programme, which will be conducted from October 2 to October 12.
The three essential components of Jan Abhiyan will be public service delivery (Adhikar Abhiyan), development at Gram Panchayat level (Unnat Gram Abhiyan) and redressal of public grievances (Jan Sunwai Abhiyan).
As far as Adhikar Abhiyan is concerned, the district administration will identify the target population for every service, individual beneficiary schemes and various certificates in order to ensure that 100% of target population is covered. For this, special camps will be held at district, sub-division, tehsil, block and Gram Panchayat levels.
The services to be provided shall include but not be limited to domicile, SC, ST, RBA, ALC and OBC certificates, pensions, scholarships, Aadhar Cards, Kissan Credit Cards, MGNREGA wage payments, PMAY sanctions, Labour Cards, Ladli Beti and Construction Workers’ Welfare Board benefits etc. Even Motor Vehicle Department services like driving license and registrations have been brought under the ambit of such camps.
As per the Government’s instructions, detailed report regarding the target population and the coverage with specific emphasis on achievements during Jan Abhiyan period will be prepared and handed over to the visiting officer before Back to Village Phase-III.
As far as Unnat Gram Abhiyan is concerned, the Government intends to give mega push to the developmental activities through taking up of maximum possible MGNREGA works on ground, commencement of works already approved under the 14th Finance Commission, execution of district and UT Plan works and also implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
Special thrust will be laid on follow up of Back to Village Phase-I and Phase-II for each panchayat which will include taking up, completion and payment of at least two priority works identified during the two earlier phases for which money will be separately released to the districts; closing all complaints and administrative issues raised during the earlier phases satisfactorily and ensuring that long term activities are prioritized and accommodated under UT Plan/Centrally Sponsored Schemes by concerned administrative department.
About Jan Sunwai Abhiyan, the Government said that focus will be on to improve service delivery and redressal of public grievances by getting together all functionaries at pre-determined times and places and under the supervision of a senior officer.
The Deputy Commissioner and senior District Officers will draw up tour roasters to ensure that each and every block is visited by the Deputy Commissioner along with the District Superintendent of Police personally and at least one more senior officer over the three week long Jan Abhiyan period.
Moreover, Block Diwas will be held on September 16, 23 and 30 respectively with focus on on-spot redressal of grievances and providing of services. Even the concerned block level officers/officials of each department will be present at the designated location for the purpose.
In order to ensure that the initiative yields the desirable results, the Government has instructed all the Administrative Secretaries to visit their allocated districts at least once during Jan Abhiyan and issue directions to the concerned field staff to participate actively in all its activities.
However, it has been made clear that the Administrative Secretaries/HoDs will not call field officers/officials from subordinate offices during the period of Jan Abhiyan and Third Phase of B2V.
“All complaints received and administrative issues raised during the earlier two phases of B2V and those received during Block Diwas shall be resolved to the extent possible if they include issues like shortage of staff in schools, offices and health institutions, absence of staff, lack of transportation and complaints against a particular employee”, reads the Government order, adding “the complaints will be entered in the new Public Grievance System being launched on September 10, 2020”.
All the concerned officers of all the departments will remain available at block headquarters or a place designated for the purpose by the Deputy Commissioner for on-spot redressal of the public grievances. Moreover, the field staff will spend at least a night in the field in connection with Block Diwas.
All the Deputy Commissioners have been asked to devise mechanisms for disposal/redressal of grievances in consultation with the district level officers and communicate the same to the Nodal Officers, who shall submit a Gram Panchayat wise status report of action taken in respect of grievances and demands put-forth by the general public during the Jan Abhiyan.
The Government has also instructed the visiting officers of the B2V2 to informally visit the Panchayats allocated to them and take stock of the developmental scenario along with the status of disposal of the grievances registered during B2V2 and record their observations.
As per the Government order, the Divisional Commissioner and Inspector General of Police concerned will attend the public grievances on every Tuesday and Thursday during the Jan Abhiyan period while as Deputy Commissioners will attend public grievances on five day a week and all district officers will remain available in their offices to assist the Deputy Commissioners in disposing of these grievances.
It has been made clear by the Government that no leave except on the grounds of medical exigencies will be sanctioned during the Jan Abhiyan period and Back to Village Phase-III.