Relief holders protest, more KP bodies condemn HM’s statement

Excelsior Correspondent

Relief holders and over aged youth protesting in front of Press Club Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Apr 22: Relief holders and over aged youth held a protest demonstration in front of Press Club here against the statement of Union Home Minister, Sushil Kumar Shinde against the exiled Kashmiri Pandits.
The demonstration was led by Ravinder Raina. The protestors with pla -cards in their hands were shouting slogans against the Minister and demanded an apology from him saying that his remarks were outrageous and against the spirit of Indian democracy the hall mark of which is to provide equal opportunity to every citizen irrespective of his caste creed and colour.
They said for the information of Mr Shinde youth of the community have been deprived of Government jobs in last 23 years as over two lakh posts were filled by the successive governments in the state during this period. It is unfortunate that still the ignorant Home Minister says that the community is well off and prosperous which has been thrown out of their homes and Central Government watched it like a silent spectator failing in its prime responsibility to protect the life and limb of its subjects.
The protestors also expressed concern over delay in supply of ration on ration depots and enhancement of fee by KVs saying that the relief holders can’t afford the same. They however welcomed the Chief Minister for recommending the relief to the tune of Rs 10,000 per family and lambasted the Centre for not enhancing the same.
Inder Ji, Vinod Tickoo, Ravinder Koul, Mohan Lal Comrade, Ashok Ji Dhar and Raja Ji were among others who took part in the protest.
Meanwhile Nove Soan Kashmir Front led by Shadi Lal Pandita has also strongly condemned the statement of Mr Shinde and sought a public apology form him as well as Congress Party which was responsible for the plight of displaced people.
It said the Pandits are leading a miserable life in exile and even in Jagti camp 18 hour power cut has been enforced on the hapless people by the Government.
Non Camp Kashmiri Migrant Welfare Organisation Janipur Colony in a meeting under the leadership of P L Saraf strongly condemned the statement of Mr Shinde and sought an apology form him.
It also demanded release of ration for displaced Pandit employees and pensioners on the basis of cash payment in whose favour the ration cards have been issued already.
Samajwadi Party Migrant Cell general secretary, Inderji Labroo has also strongly condemned the statement of Mr Shinde.