Advisor Baseer affirms Govt’s priority towards timely disposal of people’s grievances

Advisor Baseer Khan chairing a meeting in Bandipora on Thursday.
Advisor Baseer Khan chairing a meeting in Bandipora on Thursday.

* 2000 domicile certificates distributed at Jan Abhiyan launch ceremony
Excelsior Correspondent

BANDIPORA, Sept 10: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan on Thursday inaugurated the 21-day Jan Abhiyan in Bandipora district by holding a public outreach program at Sumbal and distributing Domicile Certificates and Sports Kits among the youth.
Deputy Commissioner Bandipora Dr Owais Ahmad, Senior Superintendent of Police, Rahul Malik, Chief Engineer PWD, Showkat Jeelani Pandit, Chief Engineer (KPDCL) Aijaz Ahmad Dar and Chief Engineer Jal Shakti Iftikhar Ahmad, Director RDD, Director Rural Development Kashmir Qazi Sarwar, Joint Director Tourism, Assistant Commissioner Revenue Reyaz Ahmad Beigh, Joint Director Planning Imtiyaz Ahmad, all the district heads of the departments, HoDs and other senior officers of the district were present on the occasion.
On the occasion, the Advisor interacted with over 28 delegations, who apprised him of their demands pertaining to development of their respective areas.
The delegations that met the Advisor included BDCs of blocks of Sumbal Sub-division, Civil Society members of Ajas, Hakbara, Vijpara, Nowgam, Zalpora, Naidkhai , Representatives of Sumbal and Hajin Municipal Committees led by respective presidents, Sheep-rearers, Fishermen, Traders and weavers of the twin blocks.
They raised various issues of public importance and sought better drainage, adequate electricity supply, better healthcare and education, promotion of Sports, augmentation of Irrigation and drinking water supply, macdamization of existing and construction of new roads, etc.
Responding to the demands, Advisor Khan gave on the spot directions to the concerned officers for time bound redress of the same.
He announced the start of works involving Rs 10 lakh each in 151 Panchayats of the district under Jan Abhiyan. He sanctioned two boats under SDRF for Nasbal, Tengpora at Sumbal and directed the concerned to look into the feasibility of development of Children Parks at Baharabad, Sumbal and Hajin and promotion of tourism in the region. He further directed all line departments to ensure inclusion of Panchayati Raj Institutions in formulation of plans for the area so that the urgent needs of public are taken care of.
While carrying on the proceedings of Jan Sunwai, he directed the ACD Bandipora to ensure completion of works taken up during Jan Abhiyan in time bound manner, possibly within 20 days. He further directed to fast track the works of road connectivity for their completion before winter season.
While interacting with the people, Advisor Baseer Khan said that the Government of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is committed to bring the governance at the doorsteps of the general public and has initiated numerous reforms to cater to the developmental needs of the people with special focus on public participation in the developmental process.
During the inaugural session of the Jan Abhiyan, the Advisor also distributed Domicile Certificates among the local residents and was informed that 2000 domicile certificates were distributed in a single day in Bandipora on the launching ceremony of Jan Abhiyan. He also distributed sports kits among different sports clubs of the Sumbal Sub-Division.