What is life about?

Life is about Thoughts
What you think, so you become. Thought is the first level of creation where energy is released. Thoughts arise out of an inherent desire existing in the sub conscious in the seed form, blooming in the right environment. Thoughts, if powerful enough, lead to further expressions such as words or images. If the words are powerful enough, they lead to action. Action, combined with emotions, becomes karma. Karma leads to further births. Thus goes the life of a Man. So, every thought is important. Nothing goes wasted in our system. Collective thoughts of a generation create events. Oppression or suppression brings forth an Avatar who will destroy evil and reinstall dharma. A life style based on procrastination and lethargy will provoke wars and change. Thus, at every point in time, all are participating in the creation of a collective destiny, which in turn becomes the individual destiny.
Life is about food
Body is a sheath made out of elements. Elements nurture that sheath till death and dis-integration. Body is linked to mind as much as mind is linked to body. Mind keeps emotions, including emotions related to food. Body needs are superseded by mind’s need for satisfaction. Mind rules. Body obeys. Obesity happens. Body does not need as much food as the mind needs. Mind nurtures craving. Body has its own intelligence. Our food habits reflect our character and destiny. Unconscious eating, emotional eating and craving leads to over eating, obesity and sudden deaths. Food that is cooked and stored, food containing dead organisms (which lacks praana) and food that is contaminated, decrease the consumer’s vital energy gradually and makes him vulnerable to many diseases. One who is in control of his consumption can be considered an emperor of his own life. Moderate eating which fills one third of the stomach, while one third remains filled with water and one third with air, is supposed to be the ideal quantity for a healthy living. Moderate eating, moderate sleeping, and moderate exercise along with personal hygiene makes a superb human. Wastage of food is a crime. It should never be entertained. Take only what you can effortlessly consume. Never take food for granted. Our body has consumed tons of food and gallons of water till date. Much more is wasted also. We live in a world where some starve and steal food while some fight obesity. Feeding the hungry is the noblest of all charities. Hungry can be a bird, animal or a human being. Irrespective of the type of body or species, we must educate our children to feed the hungry. This will arrest stress in them and make them higher beings in flesh and blood.

Life is about Faith
Faith happens, sooner or later. When ego subsides and gets nullified through consistent downfalls, faith happens. Faith leads. Faith soothes. Faith reinforces. Faith nurtures life. Faith elevates life. Faith stabilizes life. Faith Liberates man. Faith increases with experiences. Faith decreases when we disown our own experiences; swapping it for other’s opinions or book knowledge. Faith increases when surrender becomes absolute. Faith decreases when ego becomes predominant. Faith is real, if it is spontaneous. Faith is transitory, if it is induced or inherited. If man’s herd instinct leads to certain faith, it ends when he turns a new corner. Such is the passing faith which has no longevity. Faith based on conviction is more real, if conviction is based on truth.
Life is about giving
Only when giving becomes unconditional, and absolutely devoid of any expectations. Giving is not about wealth or money. Giving time, energy, knowledge, guidance, information, space, food, water, medicine, clothes, books, healing, and everything else, done with pure intentions and without expectations indeed transforms a man into a “MAN”.
One who gives glows! One who selflessly moves in the society, radiates positivity and hope. Even if his life is short, there will be LIFE in each moment. His purposefulness itself will radiate LIFE. Life is not worth it, if lived without any benefit to the world around us. It is nothing superior to the existence of an animal. Life is in Giving. Giving is essential in Life. Giving strengthens and raises man to the level of God. It liberates him. Unconditional existence always liberates man.
Life is about Gratitude
Gratitude liberates and positions the mind on the present. Being in the present itself is liberating. Gratitude makes the heart rich. A rich heart is more precious than a rich wallet. Gratitude invokes child-like wonder in the mind. It makes life worth living. When gratitude becomes the essence of our character, excesses vanish, ego vanishes and anxieties vanish. Gratitude supports faith. Gratitude provides equanimity. Gratitude reinforce unconditional love. If you have to choose one quality in life, choose gratitude. It is worth it. Everything else will fall in place by itself.
Life is about Power
The real power lies in the state of control of intellect over mind. When man becomes emotional, intellect gets shut down. Uncontrolled senses and mind amount to human weakness. Senses in control of the mind and mind in the control of intellect make a man powerful. The real wire puller is the soul, which is the all-powerful. But, it does not express its power. It never over rules any decision of the mind or intellect. Having power, but not expressing it, or having to express it, is real power. Power, if used to create harmony and love in the world, is truly noble. Power, if used for conquests and suppression of other being, is demonic. How we wield our power depends on our basic character. Power makes a man naked, as it exposes his true nature. Some use power benevolently and for the benefit of all. They are true expression of the Almighty. They never entertain any barriers within, such as caste, creed, culture, countries, colors, communities etc. They are Universal beings. Their nature of expression is unconditional love. Some use power to control other beings through fear. They are insecure; and those leaders who create fear and control indeed lack character and quality.
An individual or an organization is the same in this context. Organization is a body consisting of many individuals. Power should be used for wiping the tears of many. It should be used for protecting rather than destroying. Power should be used with awareness and not emotion.
Power is a double edged sword. It could hurt the one that wields it. History is full of examples. One who has absolute power needs to be absolutely careful. Power should create harmony, love and peace. That is real power. One who has his mind in control, is really powerful too. Nobody can shake him ever. He will never be insecure. He will live a life of equanimity .Thus, the real conquest is the conquest of the mind.