Mir lambasts Govt for alleged failure on all fronts

PCC chief G A Mir and others addressing a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PCC chief G A Mir and others addressing a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 12: Expressing serious concern over the worsening covid-19 situation, JKPCC has strongly hit out at the Govt for the sorry state of affairs in Jammu Kashmir and lack of adequate measures in the important hospitals in Jammu during Covid pandemic.
Addressing a press conference at party headquarters, here today, PCC Chief G A Mir alleged that large number of ventilators are reportedly not functioning in Jammu hospitals which is a panic situation and reflects mismanagement and mishandling of the situation. He called for immediate necessary steps on war footing to augment the facilities besides a detailed statement of facts about the crisis to assure people about the facilities to deal with emerging scenario.

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Also referring towards great hardships being faced by people in getting domicile certificates during the ongoing covid-19 threat, JKPCC Chief alleged that Govt was is not worried about the safety of people and thus not conceded the genuine request of the PRC holders to be treated as domicile holder.
Taking a dig at BJP, he questioned why it missed to create provision for women married from and to outside, which was one of the main reasons cited for the abrogation of special status. “This shows their no commitment to the cause but only vote bank politics,” he alleged.
On the issue of delimitation, Mr Mir questioned the procedure being followed so far as only ruling party has been involved in the exercise with ground official to create road map for the delimitation. “Who has authorized them and is this the transparency?” he questioned and said that the party keeps track of the situation and would do whatever required to deal with the issue in accordance with law .
Referring to the situation of Panchayats, he said that the UT administration conducted two back to village programmes disturbing the entire machinery and the people but without any follow up results and was a joke with the people. “Now third phase is ready for which an amount of Rs 10 lakhs has been announced but not a single work is carried out and it is to accommodate the ruling party workers especially in those Panchayats where no elections could be held numbering over, 13000 seats,” he said and also alleged that the Government failed to create anti corruption body provided in the 73rd amendment enforced in J&K by the previous Congress -NC coalition regime.
JKPCC chief also accused BJP of land grabbing attempts of the historic Panchvakhtar temple land questioned why not CBI investigation into the serious matter was ordered. Mir also criticized the Government for non restoration of 4G Internet services and thus causing lot of inconvenience to the children and their career.
During the press conference, Mir was flanked by Raman Bhalla, Ravinder Sharma, Th Balwan Singh, Th Manmohan Singh, Ashok Sharma, Suresh Dogra and Neeraj Gupta.