Suman Gupta’s art works to be shown in USA


Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 12: Internationally acclaimed artist of J&K, Suman Gupta shall be showcasing his new series of works in a major one man show in USA.
The month long online show is being organized by ‘Gallery Christine Frechard’ in Pittsburg, Pennsyl-vania by the end of this year and it will later open at Gallery Christine Frechard in March 2021, in Pittsburgh.
A handout stated that Suman Gupta has been working and experimenting tirelessly and consistently with his favorite medium ‘Dry brush and tempera’ and has produced some of the finest works mostly on wood panel, paper as well as on canvas for this upcoming series.
His paintings of the familiar places of his world and of the people and friends reveal an unusual sensitivity to his subject. All the central characters and other elements in his magic realistic paintings are clearly based on his own people and the land.
Gupta’ unrelenting examination and depiction of his subject means that he sometimes spends months to finish a single canvas. This penetrating approach, as well as his exceptional skill, has singled out him as one of India’s most outstanding realists.