HDF employees demand release of pending salaries

All Jammu and Kashmir Hospital Development Fund Employees Union protesting in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel
All Jammu and Kashmir Hospital Development Fund Employees Union protesting in Srinagar on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Sept 15: Employees of various hospitals in Srinagar engaged under the Hospital Development Fund (HDF) today staged a protest demanding regularization and the release of their pending salaries.
Scores of such people assembled at the Press Enclave and said that they have been suffering even before the pandemic struck and the pandemic has made their lives difficult.
“We have been working as any other employee in the Health Department, but there is no one listen to us and address our issues that we are facing in the tough times of COVID-19,” the employees said.

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They said that for the last 7 months they are working without salaries and more than 50 per cent of their colleagues working under HDF have tested positive for COVID-19.
“This is a state of irony; no one is bothered even if we are facing hardships,” they said.
The employees demanded that their pending salaries must be released without any further delay as their families are suffering due to the indifference of the Government and also impressed upon the administration to regularize their services.