Relief holders chain hunger strike dharna continues at different places

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 23: The chain hunger strike launched by the relief holders at Jagti and in front of Relief Commissioner’s Office entered 31th and 54th day in support of their demand regarding enhancement of cash relief.
The protestors at Jagti led by Ajay Raina warned to take extreme step in case Government failed to concede the demand immediately. It warned the Government not to test the patience of protesting relief holders and over aged youth of the displaced community as they have suffered a lot during 23 year long turmoil and were deprived of their rights by the successive governments.
Raina said that it is too difficult for the relief holders to make their both ends meet in view of the sky rocketing prices of essential commodities. They are not in a position to bear the expenses of the education of their children on the meager amount of relief.
O N Kaw who also addressed the protestors said that due to increased mercury the condition of some youth who are on fast has deteriorated and the Government will be responsible for all consequences. He said the promise made by Government to take decision regarding enhancement of cash relief in first Cabinet meeting was not kept.
The youth who are on protest at Relief Commissioner’s Office criticized the Government for maintaining a total silence over the issue and alleged that it failed to fulfill the promise till date.
The relief holders have also appealed all the front line leaders of the community to come forward and join the movement. Swami Kumar Ji, H N Jatu, Bushan Lal, B L Bhat Ex MLC, Sheela Handoo, Bhasharat Hussian, Nazir Ahmed Lone Surjeet Singh, R L Raina addressed the protestors. The KP youth are sitting on dharna at Jagti for last 61 days while the dharna in front of relief organization entered 58th day today.
Meanwhile the inmates of TRT in a meeting held under the leadership of Daya Krishan Pandit grave concern was expressed over the delaying tactics of Government in not conceding the demands of displaced Pandits especially the enhancement of cash relief. It also demanded release of ration and sugar quota to non -relief holders. It urged the Government to fame a clear-cut policy on rehabilitation of the displaced Pandits.
Rattan Lal Chuni Lal Ashok Jee, Mohan Lal and Inder Ji Tickoo addressed the meeting.