Myth of The Year

Riya Kharyal
Did you know there is no scientific proof to suggest that companies marketing ‘immunity boosting’ foods actually enhance immunity? With a deadly virus lingering on the planet, without any established treatment, the latest buzzword is ‘Immune system’. Since the beginning of COVID-19, it is well known that recovery relies largely on the natural defence of the body. There is an array of products flooded in the markets that are perpetually being promoted, whilst promising to improve one’s immunity. Much of this, is just an immense misconception.
“Immunity is a much-abused word that people do not fully understand. The immune system is very complex. These claims about boosting immunity are irrational and unscientific,” said Ram Vishwakarma (immunologist and former director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research’s Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine). Fundamentally, the immune system identifies pathogens, such as viruses, as foreign cells invading in the body and responds by attacking them with fighter cells. Regular hale individuals are not deficient of those cells, hence there is nothing to ‘boost’. Vitamins C and Zinc pills are cofactors and are essential minerals for the body because they are required by a large number of proteins and enzymes. Even though deficiency of these micronutrients can be hazardous, in which case prescribed medicine should be consumed; an excess amount of minerals will not improve chances of recovery.
Additionally, a profoundly ‘boosted’ immune system, can be quite problematic. Scientifically, it would over activate the immune system, leading to autoimmune disorders. In astringent cases of COVID-19, the body has an extreme immune response known as ‘Cytokine Storm’ and primarily was the reason of the deaths. “Why would anyone want to boost the immune system when the culprit behind COVID-19 fatalities is the overactive immune system?” Sunil K Noothi (former postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Pathology at University of Alabama in Birmingham) pointed out.
Consuming a diet of adequate protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals is the most effective way to provide an optimal immune system. Exercise is a process that avails the immune system’s response, making it an essential daily activity. Furthermore, measures to quit smoking should be carried out; use strategies to minimize stress and get adequate slumber. After doing so, there will not be any need of supplements or products that are being erroneously marketed.