Killed LeT comdr was most dangerous: DGP

Injured youth succumbs

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Sept 28: Director General of Police Dilbag Singh today described yesterday’s operation at Pampore a big success as the Lashkar-e-Toiba divisional commander who was killed was a longest surviving militant.

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Speaking to reporters during a press conference at District Police Lines (DPL) Awantipora, Pulwama, today, the DGP said: “The operation at Samboora, Pulwama started yesterday and due to the dark, search operation couldn’t take place. When search started today morning, two militant bodies were recovered. One of the slain militant has been identified as Aijaz Ahmed Reshi, who was longest surviving militant commanders of Lashkar outfit. He was working as Over Ground Worker (OGW) in 2015 and joined militancy before Burhan Wani.”
He said Aijaz was a “dangerous militant” who carried out deadly attacks on security forces inflicting heavy casualties. “He took part in an attack at EDI Pampore in which eight CRPF men were killed. He had transported the Lashkar men to the spot as well. At Kadlabal, Pampore, he had fired at Army party killing three soldiers. He had taken part in series of attacks on security forces,” he said.
The DGP said that he was the main recruiter for the Lashkar and had recruited many youth especially Towseef Khanday, Rafiq Dar and Adil Ahmed, all slain Lashkar militants. “Aijaz was killed along with other local militant Sajad Ahmed Sofi who was recruited by Aijaz and trained by him only,” he said.
Singh said that two AK-47 rifles, two magazines, some rounds and incriminating material was recovered from the slain militants. “The killing of Aijaz Reshi is a big success for security forces and there will be dip in the local militant recruitment where he was operating,” he said. He complimented the 50 RR and 110 battalion of CRPF, which was part of the operation at Samboora.
To a query on recruitment in South Kashmir, the DGP said that the graph is low compared to previous years. “In the past 15 days, three youth were brought back. And this year so far, 24 youth who had left homes and joined militancy, were brought back with the active cooperation of their parents,” he said.
He added that after matching of DNA samples of three Rajouri youths who were killed in an encounter on July 18 at Amshipora, further investigation has been taken up and is in a final stage.
The DGP said that SSP Shopian is himself monitoring the investigation process of the case and very soon further details about the case will be shared.
Singh said that Army and police, both, are investigating the case on their part. “Army investigation will complete in next few days while as police investigation is also going and at present we cannot share further details of the case”, he added.
On killing of advocate Baber Qadri, the DGP said: “We have managed to get some clues about Babar Qadri case and hopefully very soon J&K Police will be able to crack it.”
“We have already constituted a SIT in this regard and probe is on”, he added
In the meantime, a youth who was injured due to explosion at Sirhama Anantnag encounter site on Friday succumbed to his injuries.
One among the four youth who were injured after an unexploded device off at Sirhama Anantnag on Friday succumbed today. He has been identified as Yaseen Ahmad Rather son of Mohammad Maqbool Rather resident of Sirhama Anantnag.

Man shot dead, militant arrested
Militants this evening shot dead a man working as daily wager in Rural Development Department and having close association with Bhartiya Janta Party in Nildoora village of South Kashmir’s Shopian district.
A police official said that militants fired upon Sabzar Ahmad Naikoo son of Abdul Rasheed Naikoo in the native Nildoora village, leaving him critically injured. He was immediately shifted to nearby hospital for treatment wherefrom he was shifted to Srinagar hospital for specialized treatment.
However, he was declared as brought dead at the hospital. An official said that he was working as Daily wager in the RDD.
It may be mentioned here that his photo of joining BJP went viral on social media recently. However, an official said that he was very close to BJP.
Security forces today arrested a Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militant in Pampore area near Konibal crossing in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district.
A police official said that Awantipora police along with 50 RR of Army and 185 CRPF arrested one militant identified as Faisal Ahmad Dar of Khankah Bagh, Pampore. He said that the arrested militant had recently joined militant ranks and was affiliated with Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT).
The militant, as per police, went missing from 11th September to join the militant ranks and was active in Anantnag, Awantipora and Pampore areas.
The arrested militant had uploaded his audio on social media on 13th September wherein he claimed to have joined militant ranks and requesting his parents not to look for him as he has joined militancy.
“Incriminating material of LeT has been recovered from his possession while a case under FIR No. 79/2020 under relevant section of law stands registered at Police Station Pampore,” police said.
In the meantime, security forces today recovered arms and ammunition at Qazipora area of Chadoora in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.
A joint team of the Army, CRPF and police launched a search operation in Qazipora and recovered arms, ammunition and other incriminating material.
“During search operation, arms and ammunition including five UBGL and 150 rounds magazines were recovered,” they said.
Police have registered a case under relevant Sections of law in this regard.