Postulating India’s importance in UN

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the outset, was expected by many countrymen to call the bluff of Pakistani parroted rhetoric and wild accusations against India smacking of blatant interference in our internal affairs and spreading canards, on the contrary did not give two hoots to it, ignored all such wild lies indicating that the stuff was not worth even taken note of. The PM made it clear in an unambiguous manner through his pre-recorded video statement to the landmark general debate of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, that importance of India as the biggest democracy needed to be taken due care of in the decision making structures of the World Body. While congratulating the member countries on the 75th anniversary of the World Body, what was found was a serious caution to the UN to note that reform in the responses, processes and in the very character of the global body was the need of the hour.
As India had to play its innings of a two year term as an elected non- permanent member of the 15 member Council from the start of the next year, Narendra Modi questioned the UN as to how long a country of the magnitude, size, importance and undergoing transformational changes like India shall continue to be kept out of the decision making apparatus of the World Body. Its far from satisfactory role in dealing with issues like global terrorism which spilled ”streams of blood” of the innocents was duly highlighted in the PM’s address. He was critical of the UN in respect of handling the menace of Corona virus pandemic and other important issues. It was made amply clear that welfare of the world lay embedded in the stability in the United Nations and empowerment of the World Body. A strong propounder and contender of reforms and innovations, PM pushed forward the need for UN reforms and the much delayed expansion of the powerful Security Council. Conditions and challenges of 1945, he conveyed to the World Body, no longer remained the same hence changes and reforms were mandatory for an effective World Body. The (pre-recorded) address to the General Debate of the UN General Assembly session by PM Modi would be remembered as the one of pinning hopes in the UN and asking it to change, reform and act effectively.