One EC, one Councilor, 9 leaders quit BJP in Leh

BJP EC, Konchok Stanzin and other leaders at a press conference at Leh on Thursday. -Excelsior/ Morup Stanzin
BJP EC, Konchok Stanzin and other leaders at a press conference at Leh on Thursday. -Excelsior/ Morup Stanzin

Party accused of unfair selection of candidates

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 1: In protest what they said unfairness in the selection of candidates for the elections to Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), Leh which is going to polls on October 16, one Executive Councilor, one councilor and nine leaders of BJP have resigned from the party posts held by them.
Those who resigned from the party included Konchok Stanzin EC Lukung, Lobzang Nyanlak, Councilor Upper Leh, Lobzang Choezin, Mandal president BJP Kargyam, Rigzin Namgyal district vice president, Merak, Dorjey Namgyal, president, BJYM Merak, Tsetan Tundup, secretary, Phobrang, Tashi Jigmet Yourgo, Tashi Namgyal Lukung , Manzoor Hussain district vice president, Yuva Morcha, Sonam Punchok Wanla and Mumtaz Hussain, youth vice president Chuchot Mandal. Click here to watch video
Talking to reporters at Leh along with other leaders, Konchok Stanzin EC Lukung alleged that the candidates were thrust on them by the party which forced him and others to quit the BJP along with other members.
They all have submitted their resignation to State president Ladakh and MP , Jamyang Tsering Namgyal.
He said he is in the party since 2013 and worked for the development of his constituency as well as the Ladakh region. He said his name was recommended from his Mandal along with the name of Mandal president but both of them were not given mandate which has been taken seriously by them and hence they quit the party.
Stanzin said that as the EC of Lukung he worked hard for the welfare of the people and development of the region. He said it was with his efforts that a package of Rs 245 crore was got sanctioned from MHA in 2015 with this intension that his constituency will also get benefit. He said very good decisions were taken for the welfare of the people. A policy was framed to promote Pashmina of Changthang which is the main asset of the area.
He said keeping in view his contribution to the area he deserved to be given mandate and in case the party had any personnel problem with him it should have given the mandate to Mandal president but he too was not considered. Terming the decision of the party surprising he said he was left with no alternative but to quit along with other leaders of the party.