A Scholarly composition

O P Sharma

Name of Book: Nirmal Hazaara
(Dogri Poetry Couplets)
Author: Dr. Nirmal Vinod
Publisher : Highbrow Publications, Bari Brahmana, Jammu.
Year : 2019

Dr. Nirmal Vinod is a renowned literary personality and has some notable contributions in the Dogri and Hindi Languages.
His 158-pages book of Dogri Poetry makes interesting and informative reading. His style of writing is impressive and flow of language is smooth with meaningful narrative. His writing is scholarly but still simple and straight forward couched for common man’s understanding.
Dr. Vinod Kumar Gupta has basically experienced life from different angles and his writings exhibit the lessons learnt in the life and also carry stamp of his deep study of literature.
The book has been well written produced with fine printing on a quality paper. The Dogri poetry has depth of meaning and sometime shows rare imagination coupled with realism. Eminent writer Prof. Ved Ghai in the preface of the book has praised the high caliber of Dr. Nirmal’s literary contribution. Her words speak volume about the quality of poetic compositions.
In addition, Dr. Bansi Lal Sharma, an eminent literary personality too has expressed his appreciation of the Dogri Couplets penned by Dr. Nirmal Vinod. He has quoted a number of couplets from this book and gone into depth of meaning and the flight of imagination.
This book under review is a scholarly poetry in Dogri. I feel everyone will certainly enjoy reading it. Another feature of the book is that its price has been fixed keeping in mind the pocket of the common readership, it is Rs. 500/- for hard cover and Rs. 150/- for paper back edition, mostly for students and youth.
Certainly, Dr. Nirmal Vinod who is actively associated with Dogri Sanstha, premier literary and cultural organization has authored a number of notable books and rendered useful service to the Dogri language and also enriched Duggar, Cultural Heritage.