Speeches of Abdullahs full of rhetoric: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 8: Spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Brig Anil Gupta said that the speeches of father-son duo of Dr Farooq and Omar Abdullah yesterday at Jammu were full of rhetoric but lacked conviction. He said if the Abdullahs had walked the talk there would have been no need to form Gupkar Alliance.
“Dr Farooq claimed that Sheikh Abdullah in 1947 had told his people that “this is our way and not that side” meaning India. He further amplified by saying “we joined Gandhi’s India and not that of BJP.” In his exuberance he forgot that BJP didn’t even exist in 1947. Moreover, he also forgot that he was instrumental in non-installation of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Srinagar succumbing to the pressure of separatists,” said Gupta in a press release issued here.
Brig Gupta said Dr Farooq Abdullah has also forgotten that Gandhi’s India stood for inclusivity and respect for all faiths and religions but he and his party preached and practiced exclusivity and was responsible for religious murders of Kashmiri Hindus which finally led to their mass exodus. “If they have not been able to return to their homeland till date, the responsibility squarely rests with them and their colleagues in the so-called People’s Alliance. They are responsible for radicalisation which has prevented the return of Kashmiri Hindus,” he asserted.
The BJP spokesperson said that the biggest lie of Abdullahs is the claim to be secular and ‘no discrimination based on region or religion’. “If they were secular, why didn’t they include the word ‘secular’ in the preamble of State constitution after Indira Gandhi included it in national constitution? If they didn’t believe in discrimination how they justify skewed employment in the Secretariat in favour of one region and religion only, non-development of tourist infrastructure in Jammu and non-creation of health infrastructure in Jammu & Ladakh. The list is endless for Abdullahs to justify,” he said.
“Gupkaris want 370 to be restored because it was source of lining their pockets and fulfilling their hunger for power,” He said, adding, it was source of their prosperity and political ascendance at the cost of ordinary people. They are finding themselves handicapped because they find difficult to survive without swimming in the ocean of corruption asserted Brig Gupta.