JKCCTU stages protests

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 26: J&K Co-ordination Committee of Trade Unions (JKCCTU) held protest rallies and demonstration across the UT of J&K on the eve of National strike call give by Central Trade Unions and employees federations especially by All India State Govt Employees Federation (AISGEF) today against the anti- people and anti- labour policies of the Central Govt which has ruined the economy and put the working class in the miserable conditions.
Mohd Maqbool, president JKCCTU and National secretary AISGEF while addressing the rally at Ganderbal said that the vast sections of down trodden population has been put on the verge of disaster due others anti- people draconian economic and anti- labour policies by the Modi Govt. The hard earned service and labour rights are being stanched while taking the advantage of Covid pandemic. Moreover, the communal and divisive policies by the present Govt are being pursued ruthlessly to divert the attention of the working masses to hide the failures to address the burning problems of job cuts, unemployment, alarming price rise and wage, freezing of DA cut in social security measures etc. He urged the employees and workers to intensify their struggle to protest their rights and jobs from the onslaught of privatization.
Gurmeet Singh, general secretary while addressing the workers gathering at Jammu highlighted the workers’ demands and urged the Govt to stop privatization, massive outsourcing and contractualization in Govt /PSU’s sector. formulate immediate wage and regularization policies for all temporary workers like casual, contract, Anganwadi, Asha and others and fix the minimum wage not less than Rs 18000 per month till regularization. revoke the recent decision to amend Labour laws and ensure full democratic and Trade Union rights, revoke recent decision to freeze the DA for Govt employees and pensioners, ensure Rs 7500 pm remuneration to all workers who lost their jobs during Covid Pandemic and unemployment allowance to all unemployed youth, withdraw recent Farm bill and anti- Labor measures and fill up all vacant posts in Govt Departments through permanent appointments. He also demanded to withdraw recent draconian and anti employees decision to retire Govt employees at the age of 48 with 22 year service. The rallies and demonstrations were also held at different district headquarters.