Home remedies to tackle indigestion

Dr Tej K Munshi
Your stomach is the most dependable and agreeable organ, if you treat it right. A healthy stomach is an exceptionally tough organ. Rarely will it give serious trouble if you are leading a happy, peaceful life. But it can give a hard time, if you are emotionally upset and tense. A balanced digestive system can boost your immunity and help stave off disease. Does your stomach feel heavy? Do you burp frequently, or suffer from acidity and heartburn? Most of us know that these symptoms are related to indigestion but before we swallow a pill, we may try any of the following remedies.
Lime and ginger : These simple ingredients are easily available in everyone’s kitchen. All you need is two spoons of lime and ginger juice, and honey mixed in a glass of warm water. This can be taken after a heavy meal.
Oranges : Try eating an orange after every meal and it will keep indigestion at bay. Experts opine that eating oranges gives rest to the digestive organs and supplies adequate nutrition.
Grapes : Experts claim that there is a connection between grapes and a healthy stomach. This juicy fruit is known to eliminate indigestion and tummy irritation.
Lemon : If looking for prevention, then it is best to drink hot lemon water —- one teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of hot water—- before your meal. It is known to prevent acid indigestion. Lemon juice also helps by fighting bacteria.
Garlic and soya : Whenever you suffer from stomach pain, mix equal amounts of garlic and soya oil and massage over your stomach. Allow the oil to be absorbed by the skin. It also gives instant relief from indigestion.
Soda : Take one spoonful of baking soda mix it in a glass of water and gulp it. It will give you instant relief from stomach pain and reduce indigestion.
Coriander cure : Mix some cumin seeds and coriander leaf juice with a glass of water and add a pinch of salt. Drink to get rid of pain in the stomach. One can also try mixing two teaspoons of coriander, one teaspoon of ginger, three cloves of cardamom, in a glass of water to relieve gas trouble.
Wonders of water and ice :Doctors in the US, recommend placing an ice bag on your stomach for atleast half an hour after meals to ease the pain. Or you could even try taking a cold bath or alternative hot and cold hip baths at night for a stress-free stomach. Drinking a glass or two of water before a meal can help you practice portion control. This is a great tip to avoid overeating that may lead to obesity.
Digestive drinks : Drinking buttermilk after every meal is an effective way to prevent indigestion, as it speeds up the digestive process. Mint tea and blackberry tea are two other concoctions that can be taken to cope with stomach problems.
Carom seeds (Ajwain) Mixed with a little rock salt is yet another cure for stomach troubles.
Peppermint oil : The essential oil of the peppermint plant has anti-spasmodic properties which help relax the digestive system’s muscles, that ultimately can prevent the onset of bloating and gas.
Triphala : This classic Ayurvedic remedy helps with digestion, absorption and elimination.It’s also a prebiotic, which helps the good flora in the body to flourish, protect the intestines against inflammation due to toxin damage.
Vinegar : For thousands of years, ancient healers trusted apple cider vinegar as a wonder cure. From Bible to Cleopatra to the fierce Samurai warriors of Japan, vinegar has been documented as a powerful tonic to ensure strength, power and long life. There are recipesthat mix vinegar with other common household items to help calm an upset stomach and aid digestion.
Wine therapy : The Apostle Paul once advised Timothy : ” Use a little wine for sake of your stomach and your frequent cases of sickness.”
Emotions : Fear, wrath, anger, anxiety or constant tension and stress, can disturb your digestive system. Practicing of qualities such as love, compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind and mildness, can eventually produce healing in the human body. Rejoice in the lord.