Bee Enn General Hospital launches free BMD tests

Excelsior Correspondent

Dr OP Bhagat, leading Orthopedic Surgeon addressing media persons about BDM tests at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, May 4:  Bee Enn General Hospital today launched free Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Tests for the public with the installation of a latest machine called Bone Densitometry. Every person whether poor or rich can avail the benefit of this test only with the registration of Rs 5 in the Hospital.
Briefing on the need of BMD Test, Dr OP Bhagat told reporters that the test is essential to detect Osteoporosis, a condition indicating weakness in bones. As weak bones are prone to fracture and pains, he advised elderly males ( more than 50 years age and postmenopausal females to get their BMD tested as there is greater likelihood of Osteoporosis with advancing age.
With the timely detection of weakness of bones by BMD Test, fractures can be prevented as proper therapy and medication can be started after knowing the bone mineral levels, Dr Bhagat added.
He said, “ the female hormone, oestrogen, has an effect on the bone to maintain its density. Due to loss of oestrogen at menopause, post menopause women are at greater risk though not all post-menopausal women will develop osteoporosis. Men can also develop osteoporosis with advancing age”.
Dr Amit Thakur urged all the people over 50 years to come for BMD Test.
Urging the people to get their BMD test, Sadiq Sabunia, Chief Technician said that the facility is open on all working days from 10 am to 3pm for free.