3 die of COVID in Kashmir, 179 test +ve

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Dec 9: Three people died of COVID in Kashmir today taking the death toll in Jammu and Kashmir to 1767 while 179 people tested positive.
A 70-year-old woman from Macchil in district Kupwara, a 60-year-old man from Chiti Bandi in district Bandipora and a 61-year-old woman from Safa Kadal area of Srinagar died of COVID today.
With these deaths, the total fatality count in the Valley has reached 1136.
Srinagar district with 428 deaths topped the list followed by Baramulla 165, Budgam 104, Pulwama 86, Kupwara 87, Anantnag 81, Bandipora 56, Kulgam 52, Ganderbal 40 and Shopian 37.
And eight soldiers were among 179 people who tested positive for COVID in Kashmir today taking the number of positive cases in J&K to 1,14,407.
Srinagar reported 86 cases, Baramulla 19, Budgam 19, Kupwara 12, Pulwama 13, Anantnag 8, Bandipora 4, Ganderbal 10, Kulgam 4 and Shopian 4.
With these fresh cases, Srinagar has now 23911 positive cases with 1162 active, 22321 recovered, 428 deaths; Baramulla has 7645 positive cases with 151 active, 7329 recovered, 165 deaths; Pulwama reported 5230 positive cases with 175 active cases, 4969 recovered, 86 deaths; Kulgam has 2618 positive cases with 64 active, 2502 recoveries, 52 deaths; Shopian has 2395 positive cases with 80 active, 2278 recovered and 37 deaths; Anantnag district has 4635positive cases with 121 active, 4433 recovered, 81 deaths; Budgam has 7191 positive cases with 303 active and 6784 recovered, 104 deaths; Kupwara has 5302 positive cases with 189 active, 5026 recovered, 87 deaths; Bandipora has 4502 positive cases with 114 active, 4332 recovered, 56 deaths and Ganderbal has 4308 positive cases with 164 active cases, 4104 recoveries and 40 deaths.
And out of 114407 positive cases in J&K, 5016 are active, 107624 have recovered and 1767 have died including 1136 in Kashmir division.
Moreover, 342 more COVID-19 patients recovered and were discharged from various hospitals including 186 from the Valley today.