Huge participation in elections is answer to Pak: Chrungoo

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 10: BJP’s senior leader Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo today said that the huge participation of people in the on-going DDC election is an appropriate answer to Pakistan as well as to the separatist forces in Kashmir.
He said that the voting percentage in the DDC elections suggest that the voters are conscious of their rights and responsibilities and that people have already given an appropriate reply to Pakistan and the separatist forces through important DDC, BDC and Panchayat elections.
“An overall percentage of 50% voting in the UT despite severe cold, Covid-19 situation and the background of the boycott politics in the Valley, in particular, is not a mean achievement,” he said.
He added that the three ‘As’ which cost lives of one lakh of people in the erstwhile State, at last, have been buried deep down the ground in J&K, possibly, for good. He counted these ‘As’ as Azadi, Autonomy & Articles 370/35A.
He also that the steps that are must for the resettlement of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits need to be taken immediately and should be put on urgent priority.
Chrungoo during his two-day tour of the Valley was addressing a press conference here. He appealed the Government of India to take necessary steps to resettle displaced Pandits in Kashmir.
He expressed his gratitude to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for re-registering his complaint along with a demand to establish “Special Crimes Tribunal”.
“The Government of India is requested to take the necessary steps in this connection to pave way for the resettlement of the displaced Pandits in Valley as per their geopolitical aspirations,” he said.
He also said that it is gratifying to note that the KP diaspora active under the banner of GKPD has also decided to introduce a Temples Bill in concurrence with the PNBMT.
Regarding the condition of Ganpatyar temple in Habba Kadal, he said that the situation of the temple is very pathetic and its surroundings need renovation to give it the grandeur it had.
“Bharaivnath temple at Chattabal, Srinagar has been converted into a virtual skeleton of stones reminiscent of the ruins of the medieval period. He demanded the constitution of a Board for all Hindu religious and cultural centres, temples and shrines of Kashmir as early as possible.