PoJK : Epicenter of terrorism

Ronik Sharma

Pakistan has been exposed globally a number of times by India and other countries of the World for serious Human Rights Violations in their own Country and also for employing, producing and sponsoring more and more terrorists and their Jihadists outfits for supporting and exporting regional and global terrorism. Pakistan is the world’s biggest sponsor of the cross border terrorism. The primary aggression of Pakistan Since 1947 in the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir is the root cause of many problems in Jammu and Kashmir and for all those areas which are under their illegal and forcible control. The role of the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI and other ancillary agencies for helping and setting up jihadists training camps in Pakistan and all those areas which are under their illegal and forcible occupation i.e PoJK and Gilgit-baltistan since 1947 is known to all. Pakistani army and other agencies are directly involved in financing terrorists and their Jihadists outfits for operating their different terror activities and raising terror groups. Pakistan not only grooms these jihadists terrorists groups but is also providing all support and also safeguarding heads of these terrorists groups for generating money and other help in their own Country. Pakistani agency ISI built up a strong network of terrorists groups for their operations and terrorists activities all over the World .The area which is under illegal occupation of Pakistan commonly known as Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) not only suffers worst kind of human rights violations by Pakistani establishment and has also made it hub of terrorism to spread it into length and breath of India beside Jammu and Kashmir. The issue of serious Humans Rights Violations in PoJK were also raised number of times by the representatives of many sections in US, UNSC and other European countries but nothing fruitful has come out for this serious Human Rights issues.The areas of PoJK have become hub of terrorism. International terrorists (global terrorists) of different terror organisations find their safe havens in PoJK where they get training for handling weapons to the use of explosives from the Pak army as well as other ancillary agencies experts. They also get arsenals and logistic support from ISI, Pakistan army and world terrorists organisations and are dispatched from here to other countries of the World apart from India to carry out such terror attacks, disruptive and terror activities which are not acceptable in a civilized world. During the course of their training, minds of youngsters are brainwashed and are taught a particular ideology and a pseudo promise if they are killed, will be dispatched to heavens where they would be welcomed by the celestial Denizens (hoors). These youngsters are also given narcotics, drugs and psychotropic substances so that they live in a particular state of mind and dance to the tune of their mentors to carry out their nefarious designs like bomb blasts, suicidal acts and attacks on civilians and Security forces. With this kind of training batches of trained, battle hardened, criminal and terrorists in the name of religion or pushed through the porous Indo Pak border inside the Indian territory to cause mayhem of innocent civilians and security forces thus causing immense damage to persons and properties. Their sole objective is to cause unrest, chaos and fear and turmoil in the society and also sow the seeds of hatred among the different communities which otherwise lived peacefully. Indian Government apprised number of times to Government of Pakistan, Pakistan’s army and as well as other world foras with substantial pieces of evidences that State of Pakistan is aiding, abetting, sponsoring and transporting terrorism inside Jammu and Kashmir and else where in India but in vain as Paks have made terrorism as part of their State’s Policy. Number of times United Nations, US and other European countries had warned Pakistan to desist from supporting terrorism at world level. But inspite of warning nothing concrete has been done by the Pakistani Government. Finally there is a great shift in the Indian Policy, now India has finally decided that instead of combating terrorism inside our territory, we must retailitate every act of terror which is caused here in India. Now it will be most appropriate for Government of India to get the areas of PoJK (Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir) including Gilgit- Baltistan, Skardu as well be vacated immediately if the Pakistani Government don’t vacant it than Government of India should not hesitate to exercise military option for retrieval of Indian territories which have been illegally and forcibly occupied by Pakistan Since 1947.