Doctor as a profession

Dr Tasaduq Hussain Itoo

First of all I would like to express my kind gratitude, pay a grand salute and acknowledge the dedication and commitment of doctors towards our society. The role of doctors in our lives is revolutionary and I believe being a doctor, it is more important to bring revolution in the life of patients. Doctors are the warriors, who are always making relentless efforts towards providing the highest level of healthcare to patients to best of their knowledge irrespective of facing many odds and challenges in daily life.
I personally being a doctor by profession would feel proud and say that patients are the most important visitors to us. We are literally dependent on them and I believe it is a mutual benefit between a doctor and a patient. A doctor gets an opportunity to serve humanity and earn his livelihood by amusing his patients. Likewise a patient gets an opportunity to get himself treated and stay healthy and happy on visiting a doctor.
I believe besides diagnosing and treating a patient, positive counselling of a patient by his doctor with immense care, concern and love during the course of treatment forms an important part in the line of his management. A patient is a noble teacher in the noble professional life of a medical doctor – to whom a doctor should be much empathic, sympathic and friendly.
Counselling a patient pragmatically forms an important part of managing his/her concerns/welfare. Getting into the shoes of a patient, developing empathy, sympathy, love, care and giving him/her hope in a state when he/she might be feeling hopeless/ emotionally down/ helpless because of the struggle he/she is going through – is the best way to bring revolution and positively impact the life of a patient.
Every professional should have the prime motivation of creating a positive impact in the society and bring revolution in the lives of people. I would say that every proffesion is unique and dignified in itself and envisages with a core idea of service to humanity directly or indirectly through a unique way of professional approach, awareness and integrity.
Whatever proffession you are in, your prime motivation should be to create an IMPACT (bring positive change/revolution in the life of someone). Suppose you are a doctor, a patient you received is bed-ridden, couldn’t do things that he would have supposed to do normally, his life gets shattered for a moment of life. A doctor comes to amuse the patient and with the cure of God the patient gets off -bed and starts again a healthy life. The doctor by amusing the patient brings change/revolution in his (patient’s) life.
A patient is the best noble teacher for a doctor other than the teacher who taught him in a medical school. A patient gives a doctor an opportunity to serve humanity , to please Almighty Lord and to teach him morally , practically and ethically. More often on my duties, I used to invest hours in counselling patients and used to give them enough motivation to live life with a disease . When patient gives a hopeful smile at the end , that becomes the moment of my great satisfaction.
I believe better communication skills and effective counselling acts as a strong pillar in developing trust in a doctor- patient relationship, besides improving the quality of life of the patient. A doctor should often question his conscience – to become more concerning, humanitarian and truthful towards his patient.
I also believe that for any relationship to hold bond of strength, mutual understanding and trust for each other is very important. Whenever there happens any misunderstanding or distrust, disputes and conflict arises. Likewise is the doctor-patient relationship. Rising disputes, conflicts and violent acts are the result of distortion of this relationship. We need to repose trust on our doctors to strengthen this relationship and to avoid any kind of conflict.
In conclusion, I would say that doctor is my ‘profession with passion’ that I am proud to be. Getting expert in one’s proffession by gaining knowledge cum experience through “learning by doing” is crucial for professional growth plus elevating one’s professional position to higher level is equally too important. Moreover, to be a good human- both ‘professionalism and values’ are important. And one’s passion for positive things is inherent to the person, a unique blessing from Almighty Lord- worth in it. Never letting this ‘passion’ down and following one’s “proffession plus passion” is crucial for personality development and a best way to revolutionize lives.