MRP fixation mechanism

This is in reference to the news item “WG examining MRP fixation mechanism submits report,” DE Apr 27, wherein a working group (WG) was constituted by the State Government to examine and recommend the mechanism of fixation of maximum retail price (MRP) on consumer goods and drugs and which has submitted its report.
What is  most surprising is that the WG constituted by the Government consists of people from all walks of life excluding representatives from the pharma trade, who would have been in a better position to explain the ground reality and the factual position. We feel that the opinion formed in this particular meeting and recommendations submitted to the Minister of CAPD would have been biased and away from reality.
The pharma trade is guided by the Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) wherein the margins of traders are ensured. The work of fixing is done by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority which is under the Chemical and Fertilizer Ministry.
In the meanwhile the Central Government has already brought 348 molecules (medicines) under National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) and a Central Committee headed by Sharad Pawar has already submitted its report to the Supreme Court of India.
We fail to understand that when the pricing of medicine matter is with the highest court of the land and the matter is still sub judice how the State Government can intervene in the fixation of prices for medicines.
Infact a new Drug Policy 2013 has been framed by the Central Government wherein  the interest of pharma traders has been ignored and a nation wide chemist strike and agitation has been fixed for 10th May 2013 to impress upon the Government to reconsider the new drug policy.
Yours etc….
Rohit Sharma
Jammu & Kashmir
Chemists and Druggists Association Jammu