Ban on tobacco

Recently  an order was issued by the health department imposing a complete ban on manufacture, storage, sale, transportation, display or distribution of gutka, by whatever name and Pan Masala and Zarda containing tobacco or nicotine, as ingredients, by whatsoever name, with immediate effect. These orders were issued by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir through Commissioner Food Safety  and Standards.
Through print and electronic media, a full awareness campaign regarding the ill effects of these products viz gutka, pan masala and zarda was circulated with proper reasons to make complete ban on these products.
That educated and aware section of the society not only welcomed the decision but provided full support for this genuine cause. They all came forward  together with the same voice appreciating the ban on these tobacco products.
But  inspite of all the efforts and awareness campaigns, the result on the ground level is zero as at present these harmful chewable items are on full sale in every nook and corner of the Jammu and Kashmir state. You can easily get these gutka and pan masala items at almost each and every shop.
It is requested to the Government to be action against all those who flout ban.
Yours etc….
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