Were they Chinese nomads or PLA men in disguise?

The recent intrusion of a few Chinese in two vehicles in a forward area of Dokbuk Kakjung in Leh district can only be described as yet another proof of Chinese policy of keeping venturing into areas which did not belong to them only to test whether or not their such moves were resisted or ”allowed” to be there in order to stake a claim by them after some time. If we go into the pattern of how expansionist ambitions of that country are carried out , it would be seen that intermittent intrusions and later generating disputes and staking claims to grab territories has been their state policy. Now that such misadventures are adequately opposed and resisted by India , still making an attempt here and there occasionally by that country , continues but with no success. That just seven of the Chinese guised and looking as nomads intruding into our area in Kuyul Nyoma near Changthang in Leh, had to make good their escape only after the local officers of civil administration and some people reaching there to object their ”unsolicited” presence and that also in two vehicles, cannot squarely land at a mistaken intrusion but only more than that . Testing the reaction from the Indian side, which was prompt and instantaneous , it could be deduced that any major attempt of such entering into our territory by them has been preempted. However, one thing to be taken note of from

only seven and that too having come in two vehicles to be able to leave as swiftly as they had arrived and that too in anticipation of strong objection both by the civil administration as well as by the people from this side. That our nomads had stopped or abandoned the concerned area for purposes of grazing their cattle over a period was duly noticed by the Chinese and that also for some time continuously which prompted them to try an intrusion and in case of no resistance, claim the same later as theirs . This is corroborated by the officers of Civil Administration and the local people arguing with the intruding Chinese that the area belonged to India and that “there was no dispute over it”. Since the people from this side had stopped taking their cattle to the specific area for grazing for the past few years was due to “not feeling of such a requirement”. That the Chinese had to leave the area within a few minutes only demonstrates the effect of a strong stand taken by India over eastern Ladakh along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) where even at present in this harsh winter , India Army is positioned in an eye ball to eye ball status with the Chinese PLA troops to bring home to that side that India could no longer take any sort of violation of our territory casually and was prepared to protect each and every inch of it. The incident cannot be brushed aside as an ordinary one to be overlooked since even if it was assumed that the seven Chinese were really nomads , who except the Chinese army provided them the vehicles and for what purposes . Sensing the evil motives of Chinese evident from the continuous stand off for the last six months in eastern Ladakh as also the incidents like the one under reference, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Bipin Rawat had also made it clear in a statement that a large conflict with China could not be ruled out if border confrontation and tensions increased and unprovoked military actions spiralled. Transgressions like the one under reference and other unprovoked tactical military actions like in Galwan could become causes for a larger conflict for which the country had to be fully prepared. We cannot trust anymore the belligerent expansionist neighbour that believes only in inconsistencies and non -reliability in i