Plot to target places of worship in Poonch

Pakistan, as usual, still appears to be pursuing the same policy of promoting terror and violence in Jammu and Kashmir which it has been used to , as its state policy, for over three decades despite getting fairly exposed internationally and being known as epicentre of terror. As Jammu and Kashmir is racing towards achieving one political development after the other, the recent one being that of fair, free, impartial and largely participated DDC polls , Pakistan feels increasingly ill at ease. Pakistani establishment is constantly at work to create unrest in the Union Territory where the militants are now surrendering before the security forces to lead a normal civilized life or are getting killed in operations having lost public support from whichever corner they used to get. However, new ways of fomenting trouble in Jammu region are found. Floating a new terror outfit ”J K Gaznavi Force” is the stark proof of that. Generating communal tensions and mistrust followed by violence has been the modus operandi of such diabolical plans from across the border. We are highly commending the role of the security forces and the Army in thwarting a major plot to trigger communal passions in Poonch, Jammu by planning to target places of worship starting with famous temple of Ari. Three militants who have been arrested and from whom as many as six grenades and other ammunition have been recovered, would spill the beans when put to strict questioning and investigations. It would be amply known as to which forces are behind creating such situation in otherwise a peaceful region. There could be many over ground workers and supporters without whose help and acting as conduits, smuggling of ammunition etc could not be easily possible, two of whom too have already been arrested .Peace and communal amity, diversity but unity and preference to development and progress by people from this side of the border are all felt as affronts by Pakistani establishment as that country is still pressing hard to grapple with the crisis of inflation and high retail prices. Instead of improving the lot of the Pakistani people, most of whom cannot make even their both ends meet, Pakistan is expanding its s priorities and energies on promoting terror in and hatred against this country. The brazen involvement of Pakistan was revealed in preliminary interrogation by one of the two arrested brothers Mustafa, who revealed that he received a call from a Pakistani number and was directed to execute grenade attacks . A video how to throw the grenade at Ari temple was found in his phone. Not only this, WhatsApp calls have been detected in mobile phones of the arrested terrorists in which their Pakistani handler is asking them to target temples in Poonch district, the first of which was to be the famous Ari temple. The importance of this particular temple, fairly known to Pakistani handler, assumes interest and concern about how treacherous and fiendish the intentions of Pakistanis are. That one of the militants arrested has been found having worked as a private contractor engaged in construction of bunkers for people ahead of fencing and how without knowing his antecedents, he could manage to get the work and possibly easily arrange smuggling of grenades from the LoC for the militants to create widespread tension and violence in Poonch , needs to be investigated. One more militant belonging to terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba has been arrested on National Highway on December 28 and two grenades have been recovered from him. With this, three Pakistan sponsored modules have been busted by the security forces during the last few days in succession in Poonch and Jammu districts. At the outset, however, due to alert and swift action of the security forces, a major terror plot to incite communal passions in Poonch has been nipped in the bud but extensive interrogation of the arrested persons would definitely unravel many evil designs which the epicentre of terror was up to execute in this part of the country