Parshurama 6th Avtar of Vishnu

Ravi Rohmetra
Parshurama the sixth incarnation of Vishnu is the epitome of valour and devotion towards parents . Once his father Jamadangi got angry with his wife Renuka and ordered Parshurama to murder her Parshurama obeyed him killed his mother contented with his act Jamadangi asked his son to ask for anything whatever he wanted. Parshurama asked to bring back his mother to life. It was purshuram’s clever play that brought back his mother to life again. In this way parshurama Proved his devotion to his father and mother The birthday of parshurama is celebrated on the 3rd day of Shukla Paksh of Vaishakh month. Fast is kept on this day to be blessed with son and is also called Parshurama Dwadashi. According to Varah Puran by keeping a fast on this day the devotee enjoys his stay in Brahmiok and will be reborn to become a great king . Akshaya Tritoya is another name for the birthday of Lord Parshurama . There is strong belief that merits gained by good acts on this day are permanent. It is believed that Akshya tritiya marks the beginning of the tretayug . Hindus hold major part of population in India with the revitalization of Hinduism after the medieval period. According to one legend Parshurama also went to visit Shiva but the way was blocked by Ganesha . Parshurama threw the Exe at him and Ganesha , knowing it had been given by shiva , allowed to cut off one of his tusks. The goddess parvati (wife of Shiva) on finding her sons tusk being cut filled with rage and declared that if Parshuramas thirst of evils blood was still not over she would put a stop to it and teach him  a final lesson she will severe both of his arms and kill him . The goddess Parvati then took the form of Shakti (Goddess Durga) and becames the ultimate source of Power and no other divine Power can resist or match to her supreme Power. Luckily , Shiva arrived at the scene and pacified parvati after convincing not to harm Parashuram as he is also like her  Parvati finally forgives Parshurama at the request of Ganesha. Parashurama then gifts his divine axe weapon to ganesha and blesses him. There is another interesting legend with regards to Parshuramas beating back the seas. It is said that he fired an arrow from his mythical bow that landed in Goa at a place called Benaulim (Konkani Banavali) creating what is known locally as Solkache tollen , Literally meaning lotus Lake Parashurama played important roles in the Mahabharat to Karna and drona . He also fought back the advancing seas to save the lands of konkan , Malabar and Kerala . Parshuram is worshipped as mool Purush or founder of the Bhumihar, Chitpavan, Daivadnya, Mohal, Shukla, Awasthi and tyagi Brahmin communities. The grand father of Parashurama was a great Rishi name Rucheeka and was a direct desendant of Brahma. the Parashuram is unique in that although he is sixth avtar of Vishnu, as an immortal, he has also lived to see the subsequent incarnations of Vishnu in Rama, Krishna and Budha, Parshurama played an important role in both Ramyana and Mahabhrata. In Ramayan Parshurama had given the bow of Shiva to father of princess Sita for her Swayamvar. As a test of Worthiness suitors were asked to lift and string the mythic wepon. None were successful until Rama, but in process of being strung, the bow snapped in half. This produced a tremendous noise that reached the ears of Parshurama as he meditated a top of Mahendra mountains In one version played in ramlilas across India, Parshurama arrived to the scene deeply angry. The krisotriyes were advised by Bhramrishi  Vasishtha not to confort the sage, but sita still approached. Parshurama blessed her saying” Dheerga Sumangali Bhavah” or ” you will have your husband live for your lifetime” when he then turned to confront Rama, Parshurama was unable to lift his axe. He was held back by his own word and pacified by the brilliance of Rama.