Tributes paid to Mufti

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 7: Asserting that present situation of chaos and despair was a temporary phase engineered by the ruling party at the Centre to meet its political ends, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) general secretary and former legislator, Surinder Choudhary today said that implementing vision of dialogue and reconciliation envisaged by the former Chief Minister, Mufti Muhammad Sayeed was the key for establishing lasting peace in the Subcontinent.
“The ruling party’s engineered politics of suppression and subjugation cannot be a permanent feature in a democratic country. The foundation of democracy in India is strong enough to stand on its own despite attempts by a political party to create parallel system of governance”, Choudhary said while addressing a well attended workers meeting here at party headquarters to observe fifth death anniversary of party’s founder and former Chief Minister, Mufti Muhammad Sayeed.
He said that the vision and roadmap envisaged by Mufti Muhammad Sayeed was today more relevant than ever. “The vision and roadmap of the party is clear and emphasises on the resolution of all the issue through dialogue and peaceful means”.
“Today the relevance of the PDP’s vision has assumed more significance in view of the current scenario not only in Jammu and Kashmir but entire Subcontinent”, he added.
He reminded how during his short tenure as Chief Minister the late PDP chief steer Jammu and Kashmir out of chaos and bloodshed and restored peace and dignity to the people of the erstwhile State. “He not only formulated a vision but also showed the way forward to achieve what was till than considered to be impossible”, he said, adding that the party will stand with the aspirations of general masses while striving for the goal of sustainable peace.
Addressing the gathering former Legislator Firdous Tak said that despite attempts to stifle and break People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and its leadership, the organisation has stood by the principles for which it was formed. “It was not the power but service and struggle as the driving force for Mufti Sahib to form PDP and he stood by his principles and ideas”, he said, adding that the current atmosphere of chaos and confusion pushed by the ruling BJP under the camouflage of national interests has only weaken democratic institutions and added to the miseries of general masses.