Challenging national security

Once again, the dragon is back to haunt India. The recent incursions by China, nearly Nineteen (19) Kms   inside Indian Territory in Ladakh region, has blatantly exposed the nefarious and calculated designs of its rulers in South Asia. There are numerous reports of Chinese intrusions inside the Indian territory in the past also.
Daulat Baig Oldi (DBO), located in northern most part of Ladakh is a strategically important area. It forms an historic camp site, located on an ancient trade route connecting Ladakh to Yarkand in Xinjiang, China. Ladakh shares approximately 650 Kms of border with China. It is now aptly clear that the Chinese designs are to gain strategic advantage in the area. These hostile activities are guided primarily by economic interests. It is worthwhile to mention here that if China succeeds in her nefarious design then China would be able to have easy and direct access to neighbouring countries like Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
It is a well recognized fact that China is fastly spreading her tentacles and emerging as a fast growing economic power and as such, this move on the part of China, clearly exposes Chinese cunning attempt to have an easy and affordable access to gas resources and other natural reserves to meet its ambitious futuristic requirements. It seems that the Chinese are stealthily trying to revive old traditional route to realize their trade and other economic interest in the 21st century. Pashmina wool is one of the major costly items likely to bear the loss.
India has to remain vigilant while guarding these borders between India and China. The stability and prosperity of India is largely linked to its peaceful borders. India has to take extra ordinary steps to strengthen her defence capabilities in order to defeat the evil designs of hostile neighbours such as China and Pakistan. Both China and Pakistan are helping each other and also strengthening their network to encircle India. The Govt of India and our defence establishment is abreast with the new challenges being posed by the forming of this unholy nexus between Pakistan and China to encircle India.
Of late, Pakistan has leased a seaport to China which poses a grave threat to India on naval front. China has started flexing its muscles in the South Asia and has succeeded in establishing considerable naval influence in and around India thereby jeopardizing India’s national security concerns. Ironically, ever since the outbreak of infamous Bofors scam in the mid eighties wherein kick backs amounting to crores  of rupees had been given by middlemen to some top political leaders in lieu of favour for managing the defence deal. Since 1984 not even a single artillery gun has been inducted into our armed forces which has caused serious concern. As a result our defence preparedness and artillery modernization programme has received a serious setback. Likewise Agusta Westland Helicopter contract of Rs 3546 crores has come under scanner and the recent reports reveal that huge kickbacks have been paid in this deal also. Now a fresh CBI probe has been ordered into the deal. If such type of things would continue, then it is obvious that India will suffer irreperable damage in terms of security matters. Already  the country is lagging behind in respect of defence matter in many areas. Many projects on defence related matters like indigeneousation of main battle tank project, stealth sub marine project, light combat air craft project and other projects of sensitive nature are running beyond time schedule. The deal for bunker bursting rifles as well as penetrating light armoured vehicles is in the pipeline  and so is the case with other defence acquisition projects. It is strange that our politicians are not keen enough to take due cognizance of the defence sector except doing  lip service.  It is purely due to allegations of corruptions and political mudslinging that our several military modernization projects have suffered a lot. The guilty should be punished after speedy investigation in a time bound manner to ensure that our national security requirements are not hit. The system for acquisition of weapons under transfer of technology system should be made more transparent and fool proof to ensure speedy acquisition of major defence weapons.
Time has come that we should review of defence preparedness programme on war footing basis in order to cope up with the latest challenges being posed to India on multi fronts. The minimum nuclear deterrent policy is good but it too should have been reviewed and in its place policy of credible nuclear deterrence should have been adopted to thwart the evil designs of our neighbours especially China and Pakistan. Indian needs strong leadership with clear cut perception and national vision to steer the country out of the present challenges and make itself reliant and military giant in time to come so that no neighbouring country could cast its evil eyes on the unity and integrity of India. Now let us watch, how Indian rises to the challenge and safeguard its national interest, in the backdrop of hostile neighbours China and Pakistan.