Killing of police officer

The killing of a  ASI and an Imam in Pulwama district by militants in broad day light is quite shocking and needs to be condemned by all sections of society irespective of religious or regional affiliations. The militants are hell bent on creating trouble in the strife torn Valley. They do not want peace to return to Valley as they will lose their business. In the recent past they killed many sarpanches, as they do not want democracy to flourish in the State. They do not want tourist throng the tourist spots of the Valley and create job opportunities for the unemployed. The presence of people at the funeral ceremony of the policeman indicates that people do not favour such abominable acts. Rather it is their resentment against militants and militancy. You cannot take people to ranson always. Militancy will die a natural death once people turn their ire against it.
The police should go after the militants and bring them to book for the heinous act.
Yours etc…..
Shabir Ahmed
Tahab Pulwama