Ajaz reviews Revenue Deptt functioning

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister of State for Revenue Ajaz Ahmed Khan chairing a meeting of Revenue Deptt at Budgam on Monday.

BUDGAM, May 13: Minister of State for Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation, Ajaz Ahmed Khan today visited Budgam and reviewed the working of Revenue Department with the field functionaries.
Addressing the meeting, the Minister said that Government has flagged modernization of land records as a priority and pass books are being issued to farmers for maintaining transparency of land records.
Terming settlement as the means to end land disputes, the Minister asked the revenue officers to conduct settlement operations with utmost care and dedication in a time bound manner. He directed conducting Girdawaries on the spot with prior intimation to land owners.
Mr. Ajaz also suggested holding orientation programmes for revenue officers so that they are familiarized with revenue laws and rules framed from time to time.
During the meeting, the Minister also reviewed the pace of settlement of land acquisition cases under various programmes in the district. He was told that out of 45 land acquisition cases under PMGSY, 40 have been settled and compensation disbursed.
The Minister directed the revenue officers to speed up their drive against encroachments on State land. He directed setting up of flying squads to check land encroachments and also the earth cutting on karewas in the district.
Mr Ajaz also reviewed the pace of disposal of revenue cases pending with various revenue authorities. He asked them to dispose the cases in a time bound manner and reduce the pendency in their courts.
The Minister also asked the Custodian Department to remain in close coordination with the district administration in the demarcation and identification of evacuees property in the district.
Secretary Revenue, Vinod Koul, Settlement Commissioner, Latif-uz-Zaman Dewa, Deputy Commissioner, Budgam, Khurshid Ahmed Shah, Custodian General, A. R. Mir and other senior officers were present in the meeting.
Later, the Minister visited the Pandit Migrant Colony at Sheikhpora and took stock of the facilities being provided and problems being faced by the residents. He interacted with the Pandit residents and assured them all possible support. He directed the district administration for the redressal of the grievances put across by them.