Interlocutors’ report doctored: MJR-47

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 26: Expressing disappointment and dismay over the recently released report of Interlocutors on Jammu and Kashmir, the Movement for Justice for Refugees of 1947 from PoK (MJR-47) has alleged that this report has been doctored.
In a press statement convener of the Movement J S Sudan said though belated, but the report of interlocutors has disappointed the PoK refugees. It is irony that the interlocutors after having heard the woes and miseries of hapless refugees through their representatives and also during their visit to 39 refugees camps where they saw for themselves the sub-inhumane conditions and abrupt poverty in which the refugee families are living, failed to present the true picture so as to provide any relief to the refugees from PoK after long wait of over 60 years.
Mr Sudan further alleged that entire report seems to be doctored to the Valley centric. Even the great sacrifices of these refugee families which saved Kashmir by facing tribal attacks first and halting their speedy advances towards Valley at the cost of over 40,000 souls, have not been appreciated. After such a long wait PoK refugees were expecting that interlocutors, unlike politicians, will come up with much needed and justified commendation for PoK refugees but the report has, as usual, again caused frustration.
However, the community thanks interlocutors have put a word for the odd 50,000 Hindu and Sikh families (Now 1.2 million) as migrants from POK who have settled in Jammu since 1947-48 onwards and their 65 years of sufferings as “feeling of neglect’’ and recommended that their problems be solved and these families be given all the facilities and aides which are given to Valley migrants in terms of monthly cash-doles, ration, residential accommodation, educational facilities, employment package and other exemptions like IT etc. Mr Sudan said here also, the rule of justice and principle of equality has not been applied in case of PoK refugees by those at the helm of affairs. It is irony that both State and Central Governments, have no specific policy to settle PoK refugees. He demanded one time permanent settlement of PoK refugees and till it is done all the refugees be treated at par with Kashmiri migrants.