Div Com reviews progress on SWMPs, modern abattoirs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 6: Divisional Commissioner, Sanjeev Verma today reviewed the progress on construction of Solid Waste Management Plants and modern abattoirs in the districts of Jammu division at meeting with the Deputy Commissioners and other concerned functionaries.
The meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner Jammu, besides senior functionaries of Urban Local Bodies, Pollution Control Board, Jammu Municipal Corporation and other concerned, while Deputy Commissioners, along with other concerned officers attended the meeting through video conferencing.
The Deputy Commissioners informed that some solid waste plants are functional in their districts, while land has also been identified for the plants proposed for different parts of the districts.
It was informed that the sites for majority of SWPs have been approved and transferred to the concerned departments after joint verification by the concerned agencies, while the district administrations are in process of preparing revenue papers for pending sites.
The Div Com directed for conducting joint verification of identified sites for further proceedings. He also asked the DCs to transfer the land of approved sites in the name of concerned department.
Meanwhile, the Div Com also reviewed the progress on identification of land for establishment of modern Slaughter Houses.
The Deputy Commissioners apprised the Div Com that land has been identified in all the districts and in most of the cases the same has been transferred while the process of preparing revenue papers for pending sites is in progress. The Deputy Commissioners also informed that the district administration is looking for alternative land where the sites have been rejected by PCB.
The Divisional Commissioner directed the DCs to identify land for all the proposed SWM projects and Slaughter houses on prioirty. He also asked them to expedite the preparation of revenue papers and transfer the land in favour of concerned departments at the earliest. He also directed the concerned officers to conduct joint inspection at identified sites for final approvals.