Defer Verification Process

This is to draw your kind attention to the Circular issued by Director General, Accounts and Treasuries, Finance Department on 20 May 2013 asking State Pensioners to present themselves before their concerned Treasury Officers for physical verification. The Director has quoted Rule 5.71 of J&K Treasury  Code Vol. 1. While his authority of issuing the circular quoting the rule cannot be questioned the timing is not suitable for pensioners of Jammu Division. The temperatures are soaring at 45 degrees and there is power shortage. How can old people go to the treasuries in scorching heat and stand there in long queues for hours together. The timing may be alright for pensioners of Kashmir Division but not so far those of Jammu Division. I would request the concerned authorities to defer the  verification process for pensioners of Jammu Division till the month of October 2013 to save them from unnecessary physical trouble and mental agony.
I would also suggest that in future such a notice be issued in the month of March for verification in the month of April which suits pensioners of both the Divisions of the State. I hope our Finance Minister will issue necessary orders for deferment of the verification process till the month of October 2013.
Yours etc….
Prof. B.L. Kaul
Upper Laxmi Nagar,
Sarwal, Jammu