Steps by LG adm will help in timely completion of projects: JACEGA

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, Feb 19 : Jammu and Kashmir Joint Action Committee of Engineering Graduates Association today said that reforms in the engineering department carried out by the Government will help in timely completion of the vital projects.
A spokesperson of the association said that such initiatives at the administrative level shall give impetus to the zeal and zest of the engineers and motivate them to put in extra effort in accomplishing the dream of the Government in completion of the vital projects and for effective public deliverance. “We are quite upbeat that the department will expedite the finalization of seniority at A. E level in both Civil and Mechanical wings,” he said.
He thanked the Governor’s administration for carrying various reforms in the department.
The spokesperson of the association expressed gratitude towards the Governor’s administration for carrying reforms in the department. “The publication of the Engineering working manual that has been published for the first time in the department’s history and initiatives that are being taken to digitize the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) of all the engineers of the department has been done to avoid repeated submission of the personal details,” he said.
He said expediting the process of regularization or confirmation has ended decades-old stagnation. “The process of regularization/confirmation on fast track basis of all the in charge placements at all levels in Civil and Mechanical has ended stagnation of decades,” he said, adding that issuance of detailed placement orders strictly as per J&K Engineering (Gazetted) Services Recruitment Rules explaining all the mechanisms and procedure adopted to place right persons at higher posts has cleared all the doubts.