Verification of pensioners

Day in and day out, new hurdles are created by the Government in the case of pensioners. New conditions are imposed and verification is sought at will. This appears ridiculous in an age of computer and digitalization. Why cannot the Government work out a mechanism which is foolproof, ensures that no misuse of pensioner benefits is allowed and verification is made simple and quick through mechanized process. The State has a large number of pensioners. Verification is a time consuming affair. It also means much physical labour. The pensioners, who are generally elderly people, are required to go out in blazing sun and scorching heat to various treasuries, stand cooling their heels in long queues and then after a long wait their turn comes. The Treasury staff deals with them in almost contemptuous manner and no self respecting person would be willing to accept the treatment they are met in the treasury office. One wonders why could not the Director General, Accounts and Treasuries, Finance Department wait to ask State Pensioners to present themselves before their concerned Treasury Officers for physical verification before 30 June 2013.. The Director has quoted Rule 5.71 of J&K Treasury Code Vol. 1. Nobody challenges the rule and nobody would even hesitate to go through the process of verification. What is irritating is the deadline fixed for the peak of hot season in which old people cannot come out and go and stand in long queues at the Treasury office for verification. It is putting the old and infirm people to physical torture. Human Rights don’t allow their exploitation. The Director General Accounts should modify his order and postpone verification till October – November 2013 as desired by many pensioners.