Hakeem Yaseen urges for early statehood, Assembly polls

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Mar 17: Asserting that early restoration of statehood was imperative for reinvigorating the stalled political process in Jammu and kashmir, Chairman People’s Democratic Front ( PDF) Hakeem Yaseen has urged the Center to initiating meaningful CBMs to instill trust and faith on justice and democratic values among the people.
He said Centre should earnestly rise to the occasion to respect socio-political urges and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir for bringing peace and tranquility in the region.
Speaking at one day party convention at Khansahib in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district today, Yaseen stressed for the need for restoration of stalled political and democratic process in J&K, adding that sooner the statehood to Jammu and Kashmir was restored, the better it would be in the larger interests of the country.
He said that restoration of democracy was imperative to remove anger and alienation among people resulting out of post August 5, 2019 situation. “Moreover, unlike other states of the country, J&K was a super sensitive border state both strategically as well as socio -politically, Hakeem Yaseen observed while urging the Center to win trust and goodwill of the people in the interest of peace and tranquility. He exhorted that restoration of democracy and political process by initiating meaningful CBMs was key to bring normalcy,peace and tranquility in the trouble torn state.
Expressing his dismay over the prevailing disconnect between administration and the people, PDF chairman said that common people feel totally alienated as they were unable to get their day to day problems and grievances redressed. He demanded that Assembly elections should be held in J&K without any further delay so that people could elect thier representatives and could get their grievances redressed in an appropriate manner.
He said due to prevailing political uncertainty in J&K and dis-connect between beaurucracy, development and progress has taken a back seat. The condition of roads and bridges was apathetic and the supply of electricity and drinking water was ever unpredictable. Availability of civic amenities has become a distinct dream and the people have been left at the mercy of situation.
“If statehood and democratic institutions especially Assembly were not restored at the earliest, the brewing alienation and anger among the people may take an ugly turn at any time,” he added.