Moscow, Mar 22: Russia and China plan to organize around 500 joint events in the scientific and technological sphere in 2021, as part of the years of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation between Moscow and Beijing, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
Lavrov will be on a visit to China on March 22-23 where he is expected to hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. The years 2020-2021 have been declared years of Russian-Chinese scientific, technical and innovative cooperation
“If we talk about these years of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation, the plan for their implementation provides for more than a thousand events … Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus infection, most of the events within these years are held in video format. More than 500 events took place last year, mostly online. About 500 more events are to be held this year,” Lavrov said in an interview with Chinese media, published by the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Lavrov specified that within the framework of the years of scientific, technical and innovative cooperation, events are envisaged in such areas as robotics, biotechnology, information technology, artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics, ecology, medicine, as well as history, linguistics, culture, and sociology.