BJP has single point agenda for J&K: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 22: Having failed to elicit any favourable response from the people on numerous allegations laid against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), JK Pradesh Congress has now come up with a new narrative of “economic crisis” in J&K. AICC leader in charge J&K Affairs, Rajni Patil while addressing her party members has blamed BJP for ignoring genuine needs of the people and advised it to “Keep political agenda aside and instead address economic crisis in J&K.” While such a narrative may be necessary to boost the morale of its beleaguered cadre but in reality it is not only false but bereft of any facts supported with appropriate data asserted Brig Veteran Anil Gupta, BJP spokesperson.
He said daily BJP bashing without substantial and valid issues has become a normal routine of the Congress leaders after much below the par performance in the recently held DDC elections. These statements display their frustration and fail to impress the people who have also got used to this routine rhetoric. Unfortunately, the party’s incharge of J&K affairs is also falling in the same trap instead of doing introspection of causes for the party’s poor performance for which she has been despatched here stated Brig Gupta.
It is the Congress which despite claiming to be the oldest party of the country lacks any ideology as is evident from the electoral alliances stitched for the forthcoming elections but continues to stick to its political agenda of appeasement politics. BJP on the contrary is an ideology based party with proclaimed policy of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas. It has a singular agenda for J&K and that is “Vikas” (holistic development of the UT without regional or religious discrimination) asserted Brig Gupta. For the first time ever J&K has spent highest Rs 65,000 crore during FY 2020-21 despite being marred by the COVID pandemic.
He said for the next FY beginning from April 1, a huge budget of Rs 1.08 lakh crore has been sanctioned by the Modi Government. Out of 80,000 crore PM Development Package more than 50% nearing 42000 crore is being spent for improving connectivity through construction of tunnels, new highways and expansion of existing highways. Can the Congress leader ignore these facts and support her illogical argument of economic crisis with facts challenged Brig Gupta? He also reminded the Congress leader that all State Government employees were benefitted with 7th Pay Commission scales immediately after August 5, 2019 which none of the Congress ruled states enjoy.