Snares of senses

Capt Purushottam Sharma
Man is the ‘crown of creation’ and has inborn longing to unite with his source (the Source of entire creation). Cravings of the mind, however, keep the Truth in obscurity and prevent perception of the Reality. There are haunting temptations to which man succumbs to and indulges in sinful acts and makes his life miserable. Therefore, temptations must be conquered by exercising sense control and destroyed by the fire of wisdom.
Swami Gaibananda Ji Maharaj says in Jeevan Darshan –
“Deep Shikha Achha Lage Us Mein Mare Patang
Shabad Sureela Shravan Kari Van Mein Mare Kurang
Gandh Swad Mein Bhool Kar Bhanwar Kamal Mein Bandh
Kechua Lobhi Meen Bhi Pare Bansika Fandh
Gaj Hathni Ka Chittar Lakhi Pag Janzeer Bandhaye
Shabad Roop Ras Gandh Mein Prani Rahe Bhulaye’’
It is the enticing bright look of the flame that makes the moth to jump in and get burnt. Attracted by the sweet sound of flute keeps the fast running deer standing motionless and get killed in the woods. Drawn by the sweet fragrance of lotus, the black-bee gets itself arrested in it and ultimately dies in the process. Allured by the taste of piece of flesh put to the hook by the fisherman, the poor fish invites its own death.
Tempted by the tender touch of the she-elephant, the giant elephant gets itself chained.
In the same way, a Jeeva remains entangled in the octopus of ‘shabad’ (sound), ‘sparsh’ (touch), ‘roop’ (look), ‘ras’ (taste) and ‘gandhi’ (smell) due to lack of consciousness of Divinity. Man is endowed with spiritual wisdom to distinguish right from the wrong, good from the pleasant and real from the unreal.
Our Holy scriptures and Holy men command that a seeeker of the Truth must sanctify the senses and direct his five organs of action and five organs of perception to achieve spiritual insight and to undertake noble pursuits.
Organs of Action
‘Hast indiris’ are to clap while singing Holy words, to supplicate with folded hands, to do philanthropic works, perform noble actions to do good to others , to perform works of art, creativity and beauty and make honest earnings (“Earn thy bread by the seat of thy brows’’ says the Holy Bible).
‘Paad Indris’’ are to walk to Holy places and to Holy men to seek True Knowledge, spread Divine Message far and wide and to walk to suffering and destitute to inquire of their welfare and help them and to perform noble and admirable deeds for the well-being of mankind.
‘Vaka Indir’ is to sing glories of the Lord, to speak the Truth with sweetness and humbleness and to speak all that may profit the listeners spiritually.
‘Guda’ and ‘ling’ Indris must be disciplined and taken care of by resorting to certain postures (‘Asanas’), ‘Kundlini Shakti (the hidden serpent power) lies dormant in Mooladhara Chakra (root receptacle). It must be awakened to reach ‘Sahsrara’ piercing through ‘Swadhishthane’, Manipur, Anahat, Vishudhichakra, Agyachakra. Both Guda and Ling Sthan have vital role to play in Kundlini awakening. By this awakening the sex energy gets converted into spiritual energy.
Organs of Percpetion
‘Shabad Indri’ must be made to hear Divine music and Holy words from the lips of saints and noble men. Hear No Foul.
‘Sparsh Indri’ Hugging, rubbing, massaging, touching and shaking hands must be avoided. Floor or hard bed should be used for sleeping. Raiment should be coarse ‘Roop Indris’ are to ‘’See all as Self’’. These must be disciplined to see, read and write all that which is good. The magnificence of the Creator, holy men and men of merit must be seen as often as possible. See No Evil, Donating Eyes Is One of The Noblest Deeds.
‘Ras Indri’ is to taste ‘Satvik’ food only because ‘’Jaisa Ann Vaisa Mann’’ (as is the food so is the mind). Rajasik and Tamsik foods are detrimental to spiritual advancement, physical and mental health.
‘Gandh Indir’ (Ingla & Pingla) should be used for ‘Pranayama’ to tone up the system. Providing it with fragrances of various varieties is harmful the mind gets attracted to this sense.
Yoga Vashishta tells us ‘’we think it is we who enjoy pleasure. But, in truth it is pleasures that enjoy us. For while pleasure always remains young and vital, it is we who keep growing old and get consumed in the fire of pleasure.’’
Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta-
“Yashtvindriyani Mansa Niyamyarabhate Arjuna
Karmendriyaih Karmayogamasaktah Sa Vishishyate’’ (III/7)
-O Arjuna, he who, keeping all the organs of perception and action under the control of mind and without attachment, engages these organs in Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action),
That Man Excels’