Vikram Sharma’s play ‘Antanavaran’ staged

A scene from the play 'Antanavaran at Abhinav Theatre on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
A scene from the play 'Antanavaran at Abhinav Theatre on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Lalit Gupta

JAMMU, Mar 27: Vikram Sharma’s Hindi play ‘Antanavaran’ was staged by The Kalakar’s as the thirteenth play in the ongoing Festival of Plays 2020-2021, at Abhinav Theatre, here today.
Today’s presentation came out as an intensely dramatic experience for the audience who were treated to a roller coaster of twists and turns of the plot thanks mainly to the engrossing acting of two main actors Sapana Soni as Gulab/Leela/Maya and Aditiya Bhanu as Shekhar Agnihotri.
The play’s plot revolved around a woman who at the age of thirteen got platonically attracted to her teacher Shekhar Agnihotri, who spurns her. She blames rejection on her unformed body. But seeing the same teacher with another student scars her soul. To punish him she exploits Agnihotri’s penchant for prostitutes and ends up infecting him with HIV.
The play’s setting that of a seven-star hotel room was created on stage through a symbolic set. Actors’ clever use of blocks created fluid movements. The music and lights design played a major role in supporting the mood and atmosphere as well as the changeover of scenes.
Other members of the Shital Bhan as Maya Lewinsky, Sunidhi as middle-aged women, Mahi as young Gulab. Make-up by Manoj Dhamir, lights by Navneet Verma/Pankaj, music by Varun Sharma/Lokesh, set by Tarun Sharma, props by Sapna Soni and costumes by Pushpa Soni/Shweta Chib.
Tomorrow, Pancham will stage Hindi play Patjhad.