Idea of India’s age-old tradition, ethos flows all the way from Kashmir: Kerala Governor Arif Khan

SRINAGAR: Stating that there is no place more beautiful than Kashmir in the world, Kerala Governor Muhammad Arif Khan Saturday said that its beyond doubt that the idea of “continuous tradition and age old ethos” prevailing in India has come all the way from Kashmir a place also known as Resh Vear—the land of Reshis and Sufis.
“It is beyond doubt that Kashmir is the most beautiful place in the world. People of Kashmir are beautiful, their thoughts are beautiful and their vision is beautiful. This is the people’s legacy which they have inherited from the great Reshis as Valley is the land of Sufi Reshis who have given Kashmiri people a rich culture, tradition and ethos,” he said addressing the audience on the eve of inauguration of two-day Tulip festival at Tulip garden in Srinagar.
Khan said he has no hesitation in stating that even though people of Euroupe and Egypt once enjoyed a great culture, tradition and ethos, which no more exists now.
“Look at India. It’s a country with continuous tradition and ethos. Idea of India’s age-old culture, tradition and ethos flows all the way from Kashmir—the land of Reshis and Sufi saints,” Khan said, adding that Kashmir is India’s crown and will remain so.
He said there is no match for the Kashmir’s hospitality. “I first came to this place in 1980 and I came to know one should not leave his place empty even after eating stomach full. Leaving your plate empty will get you more food in Kashmir, so never leave your plate empty,” he said in a lighter vain, while highlighting the hospitality of Kashmiri people. (KNO)