JKNPP protests seeking release of employees’ arrears

NPP leaders protesting on Sunday.
NPP leaders protesting on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 11: Agitated over the denial of DA installments to Govt employees, retired civil and Army personnel since January, 2020, activists of Panthers Party along with aggrieved pensioners staged a vociferous protest demonstration, here today.
Led by Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman-JKNPP and former Minister, the protesters raised slogans and accused the BJP Govt of plundering the annuity payable to the duly entitled beneficiaries with no justification and accountability.
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Flaying the Government for its callous attitude towards the in services as well as retired employees, Singh regretted that even the defense veterans have been subjected to extortion and exploitation under Saffron rule. “Unexplained deduction of amount from the pension paid to the Ex-servicemen is deplorable, obnoxious and intolerable. Why the Govt is burning holes in the pockets of brave hearts who are the symbols of national pride? It’s shameful that the Govt has not even spared the Ex-servicemen from its nasty policy,” angry Harsh rued.
Lambasting the Central Govt for its double standard, Singh said that while the J&K State had been converted into a UT, the employees were still deprived of the Central pay scales. And contrarily, he added, the Govt had invoked the Centre’s notification of non-payment of DA to the in service employees as well as the retired employees causing huge resentment amongst the affected classes in the times of such raging inflation.
Expressing solidarity with the employees and pensioners, Singh exhorted the Govt to immediately do away with its policy and stop the unscrupulous practice of withholding the DA and consequent reduction in the pension of employees and Ex-servicemen. He said that Panthers Party shall continue to support the cause of the affected Govt employees and defense veterans and make sure that the national heroes would not fall prey to the BJP’s policy of deceit, duplicity and subterfuge.
Prominent among those, who spoke on the occasion, included Rajesh Padgotra, Yashpaul Sharma, Gagan Pratap Singh, Surinder Chouhan, Khajoor Singh, Rashpaul Singh, Karan Singh, Hakim Din, Yashpaul Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Surat Singh, Manmohan Singh, Munsha Singh, Darshan Singh, Balkar Singh, Ajib Singh, Mela Singh, Tarsem Singh, Capt Mair Chand, Dhyan Singh and others.