NC to rebound with full might in 2014: Rana

Excelsior Correspondent

Provincial President NC Devender Singh Rana addressing public gathering at Surankot on Tuesday.

SURANKOT June 4: Envisioning 2014 as the beginning of new era in Jammu and Kashmir, Provincial President National Conference Devender Singh Rana on Tuesday said that his party will rebound with full might and emerge victorious to lead the State with renewed vigour.
Addressing party’s delegate session at Surankot in the border district of Poonch this afternoon, Mr Rana said that his party is a strong fort capable of meeting challenges with courage and fortitude.
Referring to party’s poll performance in the previous elections, the Provincial President said that it has retained its political supremacy across the State and emerged the single largest party in the Legislative Assembly.
“Though we got just six seats in 2008 elections in the Jammu region yet the party finished a close second in nine seats despite passions created by the communal and regional forces”, he said and hoped that National Conference will emerge with flying colours at the strength of its performance and good-will of the people.
Mr Rana exhorted his party colleagues to intensify their field visits for interacting with the people at far off and remote areas and work for redressing their grievance. He stressed the need for strengthening the party, saying a strong National Conference is guarantee to development and prosperity of the State. He expressed optimism about 2014 elections giving birth to a new era, which will see Omar Abdullah steering the State of Jammu and Kashmir to new heights of progress, development and peace.
He also dwelt on the steps taken by the Omar led Coalition Government for the development of Poonch and reiterated resolve of National Conference to take the development of the state to pinnacle with support of the people.
Dwelling on the political environment prevailing in the State, Mr Rana cautioned the people against People’s Democratic Party’s divisive politics saying their mis-rule a decade ago was an aberration of Jammu and Kashmir’s political history. He said the nightmarish experience of PDP’s mis-governance plagued with corruption, nepotism and mis-governance is still haunting the people.
Speaking on the occasion, Vice President of National Conference and former minister, Peer Mushtaq Ahmed Bukhari exuded confidence about his party getting absolute majority on its own in 2014 elections.
He urged the party workers to fan out to far off and remote areas and gear up for the biggest democratic exercise next year.
Ajaz Jan, MLA, while addressing the gathering, dwelt on steps taken for the development of Poonch, Surankote and all its adjoining areas and highlighted various issues facing to the people.
Addressing the party delegates, MLC Shehnaz Ganai dwelt in detail on the historic role of Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah and the National Conference and said the cadre of her generation will continue to draw inspiration from his tireless public service that will help to fulfil the dream of Sher-e-Kashmir.