Youth thrown into gorge after beating, dies

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, June 4: A youth was killed after he was allegedly beaten up and then thrown into a gorge by some people led by an Army jawan Ajay Singh near Dangri on Rajouri-Budhal road.
The deceased has been identified as 22-year-old Rakesh Kumar, son of Sham Lal, resident of Kewal in Budhal. The youth along with his Tata Sumo driver relative, Ramesh Kumar, resident of Kewal had gone to Dalori in Budhal from Rajouri to drop some passengers last evening. When they reached at Dangri Chowk, they were intercepted by some people led by an Army jawan Ajay Singh, who was on leave to his village. They had some altercation with driver and his relative Rakesh on some petty issue of lifting some more passengers. They also allegedly exchanged some abuses during the tiff.
When both Ramesh and Rakesh were coming back after dropping passengers at around 4.30 pm on Monday, Ajay Singh, Rakesh Kumar-2, son of Bawa Ram, Chamail Singh, son of Balak Ram, Bal Ram and others intercepted both of them and started beating. During the process, they threw Rakesh Kumar into the gorge. Some more people gathered there. The injured Rakesh was provided first at nearby dispensary and then shifted to District hospital Rajouri at around 7 pm. One Ashok Kumar relative of Rakesh stayed with the injured during the night. The relatives of youths who attacked this boy also arrived there later and assured to provide better treatment. The police was not informed by doctors attending the patient during the whole night.
As the condition of patient deteriorated in the morning he was referred to GMC Jammu but he died on the way ( (Near Chowki Chora) at around 2 pm today. His body was brought back to Rajouri hospital. The police kept it there for postmortem. The police claimed that no FIR has been registered so far in this case and nobody from hospital intimated them after making a Medico Legal Case (MLC). The youth was done to death over a petty issue in presence of many villagers on the road and Police has yet to lodge an FIR. No arrest was made in this connection till late this evening.