Traders Fed urges MoS PMO to safeguard Wine Traders interests

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 13: Traders Federation Ware House-Nehru Market on Tuesday urged MoS PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh to take a sympathetic view of the issues pertaining to wine traders of Jammu as their livelihood is on stake after the unveiling of excise policy 2021-22.
A handout of Federation stated that its president, Deepak Gupta briefed Dr. Singh on phone about how the excise policy is going to hit the existing wine traders of Jammu.
He urged the MoS to intervene and find an amicable solution to the problem whereby the affected traders get justice.
Gupta said that the issue is not of mere wine traders but their families, and the families of workers and others who are directly or indirectly connected with the business.
“Total souls which are going to get affected are nearly 30,000 and if things are not rectified in time there is every possibility that these people will have to face starvation,” he maintained adding that MoS PMO is their last hope. Dr. Singh assured the Federation president that he would talk to the concerned office and ensured that the existing traders will not be affected in any way by the new excise policy.
Singh assured to project the issue at concerned quarters of government.
Earlier Jagdish Jastoria, chairman and Baldev Khullar, ex-chairman of Jammu Wine Traders Association visited Federation office and shared their plight.
Anil Gupta, senior vice president, Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Jammu and Rajesh Gupta, secretary CCI Jammu were also present on this occasion.
Khullar said that their licenses are valid till 2023 and demanded that the government should give them at least two years so that they can make arrangement for their livelihood.
Munish Mahajan, Federation senior vice president, Abhimanyu Gupta, junior vice president, Sham Lal Langer, general secretary, Vishal Gupta, secretary, Amit Gupta, cashier were also present in the meeting.