PPP mode

This has reference to the news item ‘J&K mulling PPP mode to ensure 24×7 power ‘DE June 4.
In case power sector is brought under the ambit of Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode, as is being planned by the State Government, it will be a step in right direction. The PPP mode will certainly bring much needed relief to consumers in the State.
It may not be out of place to mention here that PPP mode has yielded incredible results in various ventures in the country. Electricity is one of the areas in the State which needs immediate attention, and cerrtain reforms are to initiated in case the State has to keep pace with other States in the country. The industrial sector in the State has come to a cropper because of  shortage of electricity. Besides, people in Jammu experience prolonged power cuts in summer and Valleyites  in winter. At a time when life is becoming more and more dependent on electricity, absence of electricity sets a chain of troubles for people.
The Government should give PPP mode a practical shape without losing further time for this cause.
Yours etc….
Sudheer Sharma