Submission of Work Plans


Planning, projections, mobilising resources, achievement of goals and targets, sorting out of priorities and preferences and the like are all related to economic development, progress and growth which all are inversely related to availability of capital, in easy parlance – the finances through proper budgeting and need based allocations to the identified areas. Any mismatch and disturbing of related support base of whatever hue, are laced with disturbing the vision and strategy of planning. In this connection, for timely releasing of funds under the Capital Budget or Capex Budget, there were clear cut instructions from the UT Finance Department to submit by all concerned departments the detailed projected Work Plans duly approved by the competent authority. It may be recalled that this step was taken immediately after the Lieutenant Governor approved releasing of 50 percent of Capex Budget and subsequent expenditure in favour of the UT Departments of Jammu and Kashmir. However, majority of the departments having failed to submit the same augurs not well at all, thereby indicating that perhaps the importance of the exercise has not been properly felt. Not only have those departments defaulted in respect of the deadline but willy- nilly have made sufficient ground for causing delay in releasing of the required funds as per schedule . Like this, it can be visualised that the purpose and the idea behind releasing 50 per cent of Capex Budget including District Capex thus gets defeated. How can, therefore, the purpose to accelerate the pace of development in Jammu and Kashmir be achieved with an aim that none of the projects concerned and other public assets building should suffer for want of timely funds, as had been often taking place with many a project in the past. It needs to be analysed that in the absence of what was required by which department and for what purpose in the form of a duly formulated Work Plans, release of funds through BEAMS would not smoothly take place. A casual approach in submission of this critical information and that also related to finances not only should be avoided but seen in the context of how planning of things got adversely impacted. The importance and the urgency of the submission of the requisite information by April 15 can be gauged by the fact that the instructions regarding the same conveyed by the Financial Commissioner had made it clear that all the Directors Finance, Planning and other officers would be “personally responsible” for furnishing of Works Plans duly approved by the competent authority. Now that such information could be furnished rather fast track uploading of the said Works Plans done on BEAMS, an online computerised web-based system, an early submission is, therefore, solicited. We feel that the fresh opportunity to do it by uploading on the said portal should be availed. We hope, by now the ”defaulting ” offices and departments must have submitted the information through BEAMS portal. The compliance, as such, can result in the funds release at the earliest. Needless to mention, the Works Plan must comprise only those ongoing works and the ones which are proposed but expected to be completed during the current financial year, or by the next year at an early date. Exceptions, however, must be in those works which were of utmost importance and expected to be completed within two years and, therefore, could be incorporated in the Works Plans. In the same way, District Plans need to be submitted by the District Authorities who must consult Panchayats , Block Development Councils as also District Development Councils in the process to make the projections and the related activities reflected in the District Plans realistic and reflective of peoples’ aspirations but only those which could be completed during the current financial year. For making the process more realistic, a reasonably sufficient time, say up to May 5 has been given. The same holds good in respect of Administrative Secretaries who keep on guiding and advising the District Development Commissioners, who too are required to arrange submission of the Work Plans s by the set deadline