DC initiates criminal proceedings against BRO’s CO/OC

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, June 7: Taking serious note of the criminal negligence towards the terrible condition of the Reasi-Mahore road, which led to death of 15 persons in different accidents during the past some time, and non-compliance of various directions aimed at preventing danger to the life and property of people due to unprofessional work, Deputy Commissioner Reasi today initiated criminal proceedings against the Border Roads Organization (BRO) under Section 133 of Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that keeping in view the death of 15 persons on Reasi-Mahore road due to the failure of Border Roads Organization to initiate protection measures on several vulnerable stretches, the Deputy Commissioner Reasi, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary last month issued directions to the BRO’s officer incharge of the road for construction of breast and retaining walls at all accident prone areas besides installing proper signal boards for the guidance of vehicle operators.
However, no step was taken by the BRO to improve the condition of the road during the past one month. Moreover, it has been brought to the notice of Deputy Commissioner that even debris was not removed from the road and drains were not constructed leading to sinking of many places in Mahore town, sources said, adding a number of utilities including houses and bridal paths have also been damaged in Mahore, Arnas and Chassana where no restoration work has been undertaken by the BRO during the past quite long time.
Taking serious note of non-adherence to the directions, which were otherwise aimed at checking road accidents and saving the precious lives of the commuters besides protecting life and property of the people, Additional District Magistrate Reasi on the directions of District Magistrate today served notice to Commanding Officer/OC of 110 RCC Budhal for putting to danger the human life due to careless and irresponsible working. It is pertinent to mention here that Reasi-Mahore road falls under the jurisdiction of CO 110 RCC Budhal.
“The Sub-Divisional Magistrate in an emergency report submitted to the Deputy Commissioner/District Magistrate vide communication dated June 4, 2013 has raised grave concern over the loss of human lives and threat/danger to the life and property because of unprofessional working of BRO”, the notice reads.
“This irresponsible way of construction of road for a long period now, wherein life and property of inhabitants of this area has been risked, has created a public nuisance of highest order which need to be removed”, Additional District Magistrate has remarked in the notice, adding this serious public nuisance is a criminal act on the part of BRO and needs to be proceeded under Code of Criminal Procedure.
Exercising powers vested under Section 133 of Code of Criminal Procedure, the District Administration has given time till June 30 to the BRO for construction of drains in Mahore and Chassana area, removal of boulders and stones on the entire stretch of road from Reasi to Mahore, which are causing obstruction to traffic and also blockade of roads even in case of minor rains, prevention of sinking of area in Mahore, removal of all debris and muck disposed off at the places other than approved points, paying compensation in respect of losses to civic amenities/public/private property, which has been ordered to be inspected and verified by a joint team including representative of BRO within one week.
The BRO has also been directed for erection of sign boards on every curve and after every kilometer indicating the nature of curve, dangerous areas, shooting stone or slide prone areas and construction of breast /retaining walls at all the points where slippage has taken place on the roadside and posing threat to the commuters.
Through the notice, the distrct administration has made it clear to the BRO that if it fails to carry out the identified works within stipulated time-frame the Commanding Officer/OC will have to appear in person before the District Magistrate to explain as to why the order may not be made permanent. Moreover, the Commanding Officer/OC have also been conveyed that any failure to comply with the orders issued in this regard shall render them liable to be proceeded against under Section 188 of Code of Criminal Procedure, which includes fine and/or imprisonment.
According to the sources, Deputy Commissioner has also taken seriously the report of the Additional District Development Commissioner, who is also Collector Land Acquisition, that BRO has delayed the payment of land compensation in most of the cases leading to inconvenience to public. He has directed the BRO to ensure that compensation amount is placed at the disposal of Collector Land Acquisition without any further delay.
Keeping in view the reports regarding encroachment of land acquired by the BRO, the Deputy Commissioner has directed that all such encroachments should be removed forthwith and it will be personal responsibility of the officer(s) of BRO if any encroachment is reported in future.